Reflection: sept 8, 2013 gospel Read: God’s ways are - TopicsExpress


Reflection: sept 8, 2013 gospel Read: God’s ways are inscrutable and we are often perplexed by God’s demands. Our human understanding is limited and therefore cannot fully grasp the designs of God. The instructions Jesus gives his listeners—to give up everything and everyone in life, carry the cross, and follow him—appear intimidating for us, precisely because our understanding is limited and we do not see what God sees. Paul’s request to Philemon to consider the latter’s runaway slave as his own brother might not have been intelligible to people of those times when slavery was so pervasive. Reflect: Am I attached to people, places, and things in my life? Do these attachments prevent me from following my Lord with all my heart, soul, and mind? What do I need to do in order to wean myself of attachments that are less than wholesome? Can I surrender my life to God even when I do not understand why He asks what He asks of me? Pray: Lord, liberate me from my earthly attachments so that I can attach myself totally to you and to you alone! Listen: Listen to Jesus as he speaks to you of the cost of discipleship. Act: Draw up an action plan to grow in radical discipleship to Christ.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 08:09:52 +0000

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