Reflections as Ortom bounces back to Benue By Terhemba - TopicsExpress


Reflections as Ortom bounces back to Benue By Terhemba Dzomon To those who believe in Chief Dr Samuel Ortoms vision of building a greater Benue, it gladdening to hear that , the Peoples Democratic Party ( PDP) gubernatorial aspirant will soon take an exit as a serving Minister in the Federal cabinet to return to full participation in pursuit of his desire to become the next leader of Benue State, if given the mandate by people of the state. Aside ending his call to National Service which began with his position as National Auditor of PDP and thereafter culminated into his appointment as a minister, Ortoms deserves commendation over his remarkable achievements for the country, his coming forth without a dent on him and his ability to maintain focus in tact and commitment to his primary duties, while he lasted in the two key positions of service to Nigeria. Like it is common of leaders of Middle Belt extraction to rise to the peak of their political careers but still have their eyes behind them to turn back and insist on having their presence and influence felt from the home front, Chief Dr Ortom played the Nehemiah by refusing to be distracted from any quarters based on the understanding that when one is doing a great work he hardly has time to attend to distractions ( Nehemiah 6:2-3). Also, the fact that when ones hands are on the plough, it needless to turn back, Ortom maintained focus on his work, knowing fully well that there is a time to work and a time to come home and play politics, like he does, presently. He is observed to have avoided joining issues with any one from the home front, not even when such advances were made to get him entangled into the web of the campaigns of calumny, mud slanging, pull down politics of suspicion, the casting of destructive aspersions which often infest the Benue political arena, thereby leading to whipping of sentiments in brigandage, bigotry and or ethnicity. This attitude by the gubernatorial aspirant confirms him as a ready material for leadership of the state who has a good knowledge of social setting of the state and the challenges inherent in managing the pluralism that is existent amongst her people and the various sub-human groups that represent the various ethnic nationalities in the state. This is further poise to assist him in the maintenance unity, peace and social harmony amongst these groups, if elected as governor of the state. Proof of Ortoms perfect understanding of the Benue state polity, which he incidentally nurtured into growth as a former political party leader in the state before his departure to serve in various capacities at the national level is also in the fact that upon his indication of interest to assume leadership of the state, come 2015, he has articulated himself on his campaign as an avenue for sensitisation of people of the state as a major aspect for mobilisation of support and followership from them. Chief Ortoms strategic planning with a formidable campaign team which is properly structured with departments speak volumes for the realisation of his mission. This demonstrates his ability to feature an organised government. This is more so that ideas, statistics and other relevant research materials needed for good governance of the state may have been ready for use by his administration, while he still campaigns for the exalted leadership position of becoming the governor of Benue state. For instance, no one ever thought of erecting the stand for engaging the multitude of unemployed youth in the state, but with Chief Ortoms proposal to root up an avalanche of investment portfolios, along with rapid industrialisation of the state, the youth of Benue is poised with a hopeful future. This is indicative in their seeking to begin to come together as in the case of National Association of Unemployed Tiv Graduates. As the PDP aspirant takes his leave from national service to return home, all eyes are on him to begin to move round Benue state to meet with his people for more understanding of their yearning and aspirations. Meanwhile, we say all say welcome back home; for it always good to be home.-END-
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 07:42:54 +0000

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