Reflections for SUNDAY, June 15 Trinity Sunday Psalm 8:4. - TopicsExpress


Reflections for SUNDAY, June 15 Trinity Sunday Psalm 8:4. What are human beings that you are mindful of them,mortals that you care for them? (NRSV) Who are we? Nobody. Yet we are what God created in the beginning. We are made in God’s image, whatever that means, and we are God’s children We are nobody and we are somebody. Theologian Rob Bell says God loved Creation so much that God made us to make more of us, to keep making more of Creation. It seems like we swing between two extremes when we think of ourselves. Either it’s “I’m a worm and of no worth” or it’s “I have dominion over the earth!” If you’re feeling like a worm, maybe you should meditate on God’s making of you and on how you have participated in the good things of the world. If you’re feeling like a dominator, lord of all you survey, maybe you should consider how God made you from dirt. That dirt is humble and filthy—yet it is the ground from which all life springs. We are dirt and we are God-breath, at the same time. Martin Luther said we are both saint and sinner at the same time. God loves the saint and the sinner alike and made us for a purpose. Who are you? Somebody.
Posted on: Sun, 15 Jun 2014 10:42:25 +0000

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