Reform can be accomplished only when attitudes are - TopicsExpress


Reform can be accomplished only when attitudes are changed. Ever since I have been conscious of my part in life, I have felt consecrated to the saving of human life. Women are here to reaffirm their protest against war, to restate their unalterable faith in the righteousness of Peace. The task of organizing human happiness needs the active cooperation of man and woman: it cannot be relegated to one half of the world. This question of segregation looms up in my mind as of mountainous significance ….That question involves an eternal principle of dig- nifying the human being that was proclaimed as the cor- nerstone of our national edifice ….Segregation discriminates against the individual without regard to proven worth or ability. No surer way could be found to injure the pride,the dignity and the self-respect of any person or people than to assume that, because of color, race or nationality, they are unfit... Without claiming the gift of prophecy,one can foresee that our sins,political and social, must recoil upon the heads of our descendants.We commit ourselves to any wrong or degradation or injur y when we do not protest against it. The final abolition of war and the establishment of permanent peace must depend upon the convictions of men and women, who are equally responsible …Women have a message to deliver …they can point out the hollowness of the appeals by which men have been stirred to battle. Men react to the appeal to their heroism to be ready to go out and die for their country …The voices of free women rise now above the sounds of battle …The enmity that is stirred up in order to make men kill each other and to rejoice in the killing, we know to be fictitious … - Lillian D. Wald, (March 10,1867-1940), American Social Reformer & Public Health Nurse, National Womens Hall of Fame
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 05:20:07 +0000

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