Refuse To Quit! One of the greatest stories of triumph over a - TopicsExpress


Refuse To Quit! One of the greatest stories of triumph over a seemingly impossible barrier was when Joshua led Israel into the land of promise and to the city of Jericho. This was a city that was the most fortified city in the land. It seemed that there was no way to penetrate the walls of Jericho or conquer the people. The plan God gave Joshua was completely outside the boundaries of reasoning. Yet that unreasonable battle plan resulted in the most notable conquest in history. The people marched around the city of Jericho once a day in total silence for six days. On the seventh day, they marched around the city seven times. Finally they raised a loud victory shout, and the walls of the city fell flat. Victory came because Joshua believed the promise that God had made regarding possessing the land, and he was willing to act on it. He followed the instructions God gave him even when it was contrary to natural reasoning. He trusted that God would see them through and move supernaturally to crush their enemy. Joshua knew that they would win if they would simply obey God. The victory that day spread throughout the land until the other nations were filled with a dread and fear of Israel. Israel would go on to defeat every king and kingdom and take the land God had given them. The Bible is full of stories about men and women who walked with God and did the impossible. The heroes of faith in Hebrews chapter 11 are people who maintained the attitude of a winner even when the times were difficult. What surprises some people is that these examples of what faith will do for those who trust God include people who make many mistakes. Some of the greatest people of faith walked into some of the deepest compromises and sins imaginable. The thing that distinguished these heroes of faith from others was that they repented and continued to look to God, believing He would forgive them and still use them. The New Testament speaks very little of the mistakes and sins of these great patriarchs but rather points to their example of faith and consistency. Isn’t it amazing that God focuses on the successes much more than the failures! What a wonderful thing for us to learn. What must we do to have a winning attitude? We must strip off the things that will slow us down or hinder our progress; keep our focus on the goal of God’s best; fill our words with the love and encouragement that has been deposited in our hearts by the Holy Spirit; and get up if we have stumbled! Embrace change when it will enhance our progress. Refuse to give up and quit! Jesus has won the most important battle already. He has defeated Satan and given us the power to win in every situation. Now we are free to develop the attitude of a winner and run the race to victory.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 19:49:29 +0000

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