Refuse to inherit dysfunction. Learn new ways of living instead of - TopicsExpress


Refuse to inherit dysfunction. Learn new ways of living instead of repeating what you lived through. - Thema Bryant-Davis I learned many spiritual lessons through the loss of my mother but one of the most powerful was when I learned that I had the ability to re-create my life. I no longer had to live a life of self-doubt, limiting beliefs, unfulfillment, and confusion. I got to know my soul - the same soul I have always had and instead of diminishing her and hiding her with all the things the world told me I should be, I brought her out into the light and asked her what she wanted. Who she wanted to BE as she went through this life. HOW she wanted to be. And thats when the larger ideas of LOVE, ENERGY, PEACE, FREE, SPIRIT, EMPOWER rose to the surface as some of my most precious values and ways that I hold myself in this life. And I stepped boldly into my truth. My life has changed, profoundly. But it didnt just come to me in a dream or in a thought. It didnt ring my doorbell and say, Surprise! Oh, no. I worked at it, tirelessly. When my mom died, I knew it was time for my life to change. I wanted to know my purpose without a doubt. I wanted MORE out of life. So, I invested in myself. I assembled my own little support team of coaches, counselors, and mentors to guide me as I pried myself open. Through their questions, their training, their mastery, and their love, they gave me access to all the answers I needed - the answers that had been within me the whole time. YOU are the expert of your own life. The key is investing in yourself. Putting in the work. And the time. And the energy. It wont be handed to you. Not only have I seen the transformation in my own life, but I have seen my own clients awaken into their purpose and truth. I have seen the joy that fills their lives once they do the work and see the change that takes place as a result. I mean it when I say that life is too short to put this off any longer. If youve been looking for a sign, this is it. (Yep!) Commit to yourself today and email me to begin your coaching journey: hello@chelseadinen or click below for my current rates. chelseadinen/work-with-me
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 01:38:00 +0000

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