Refusing to be stopped from getting to the bottom of Who and Why - TopicsExpress


Refusing to be stopped from getting to the bottom of Who and Why humanity Is Being Destroyed for, I am reading the Free book on the Internet entitled The Externalization of the Hierarchy by Alice A Bailey, channeling Djwal Khul, her Demon who was given the job of spreading the evil plan for world conquest for lucifer to the west.. Here is the chapter on what is soon to come which Will leave mankind and our world order in Ashes from which their Luciferian New World Order will rise,,this is not the mechanics, but it is how they manage to rile up division and trick people into turning to demons for enlightenment and for peace, which btw is attempting to be done to us all day long on Facebook by those pushing meditation, positive thinking, yoga, etc; ;THE WORLD CRISIS September 1939 Humanity is passing through an acute crisis and its karma or fate is heavy upon it. Being so close to events, it is not easy for humanity to see them in their true perspective and it is in order that you may see more clearly that I write today. A broader vision and a wider horizon may help you to understand, and it may be of profit to you if you can be helped to see the picture as it appears to us, the teachers on the inner side, and also in relation to its background. There are two outstanding and important points which are present in the consciousness of the Hierarchy as it looks on at mankind going through the present stupendous struggle. The first is that humanity is today and on a large scale aware that what is happening is entirely its own doing and the result of humanitys own mistakes. Men either feel responsible for what is occurring or they are shifting the responsibility openly and deliberately on to shoulders other than their own. Of these endless and age- old mistakes, the Versailles Treaty is only the symbol and the practical focal point. The second fact is that in spite of war and separation, of cruelty and of passions and selfishness running wild, there is nevertheless, today, more true understanding, more goodwill and more outgoing love than at any previous time in the history of the race. I say this with deliberation and because I have the hierarchical knowledge available to my hand. Be not deceived, therefore, by the outer clamour of war. I tell you that mens hearts everywhere are full of compassion both for themselves and for all other men; the wide scope and the vast extent of the conflict is indicative of an inner unity and a subjective interrelation of which all are somewhat conscious and which the conflict itself does not negate. Is this a Copyright ©1998 LUCIS TRUST Continued
Posted on: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 10:07:38 +0000

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