Regarding Arthritis in all forms ~ There are several aspects - TopicsExpress


Regarding Arthritis in all forms ~ There are several aspects to this and we will address them separately. We see that for a human being to maintain health on all levels there is a willingness to be in flow with the Source current that moves through all things. This has also been referred to as chi or life force energy. When there is a withdrawing from this Source, it can give rise of health anolmalies of all kinds; based on the inclinations and karmic/genetic material of the individual. This pulling back can be caused by several things; the most common being fear of life and anger over ones circumstances and experiences. This is why the importance of having a positive attitude has much as possible has been stressed in many of the spiritual teachings. Attitude is so important, especially in terms of creating and maintaining health. Keep in mind that we are speaking in general terms and making some broad strokes here. The aspects of family/genetic karmas can be deep and complex. The good news however, is with the akashic realms being more easily accessed, the potential for healing and permanent shifts are great. This is work with the divine Blueprint of the individual and its potential is far beyond the limitations of the physical/3D realm. We see that with this condition energetically there is a crystallization that has occured impacting the joints, causing restriction and limiting movement. The light medicine to serve as an antidote, besides address the emotional components here are to work powerfully with Light, visualizing and/or intending it to flow freely within the entire being. This is a practice that must be done regularly and with commitment, and this may create significant results. As with any healing practice to be effective, it is very important to get ones mind in alignment with the healing protocol, keeping it from fear and worry. We understand that in conditions of ill health, emotional patterns may have been created in response to the outer reality, but they cannot be ignored for positive shifts to take place. Regarding the auto-immune aspects of this disorder, this can be deeper and more complex, depending on the severity of the condition. Upon spiritual examination, it is unusual to find an individual with this condition that has not experienced either a deep trauma or an experience to cause them to doubt their own life process. We see that in many cases with this condition the emotions that are crystallized in the body are primarily anger, fear and grief. Upon working with this condition, the patient/client must arrive at a safe place emotionally, where they feel these issues can be addressed in their own timing. The astrological Earth and Air signs are more prone to this disorder than others, though it certainly can affect people of all signs. The Earth signs being more prone to conditions of crystallization organically; and the Air signs having a mental/emotional detachment that can cause the energy of emotions to be driven underground, so to speak. Yes it is true that there is a nutritional element to this and that certain yang (hot) or toxic foods and beverages may trigger flare ups of this condition. To strictly address it from a nutritional standpoint for healing; may have mixed results. There are some cases that will respond very positively and quickly to food and/or herbal therapies, especially when the condition is in a mild state and has not flourished in the body for an extended period. In the Chinese medical model, this is a blockage of chi that has been perpetuated over time. We see this as being a more yang condition as opposed to cysts/tumors that are often more yin. They are both however, attributed to the restriction of the flow of energy. There can also be an arthritic element developed in areas of the body that have experience prior traumas and/or injuries, especially the spine, neck, knees and wrists. There is often a genetic component. This means that there has been a maladaptive pattern that has been perpetuated energetically through time and generations. The sins of the father do not have to be continued. You have new opportunites for healing and eradication of archaic patterning through awareness and the new light technologies that are now available to you. This is Grace in action. ~ The Keepers, 10.10.14 (excerpt from the new work in progress, The Aquarian Healer.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 14:48:21 +0000

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