Regarding Me Vs. Chris Rye Listen When I said Video Coming Soon - TopicsExpress


Regarding Me Vs. Chris Rye Listen When I said Video Coming Soon I never said I was gonna post it, I thought other people were but I guess not now we should have a round 3 sometime soon if you wanna be there Ill hit yall up. So with that bein said Stop Messaging Me POST THE VIDEO.. Also I didnt beat chris ass but he didnt beat mine either it was a solid tie. Ill give yall the rundown of the fight since there probably wont be no video. 1. Chris called me out & said Box I said no I got other shit to do Ill Box you later then Dre kept talking shit so chris said come on lets fight no gloves no nothing I thought about it and said alright Ill fight you 2. We all got ready in the backyard and I squared up with him. The first round was 3 minutes & it was a even round no knock out no take downs just toying with each other and barely hitting each other in the face we were testing each other strengths etc. 3. Then came round 2. this is where shit got physical & a bit bloody. Chris tried to connect with his punch several times & I would either block or dodge I got cocky & look at him with a cocky ass face then I tried to punch him but none of my punches would connect he literally dodge all of them. So somehow I threw my punch and it connected and we ended up grabbing each other he tried to take me down but I reversed it and had him curled up on the ground and I was punching the back of his head alot then when he tried to get up I took him down and choke him out...but he got out of it then he stood up and tried to ground and pound me while I was on the ground but I didnt let it happen I used my feets to block his punches and what not I somehow manage to get up but I ran to get enough distance but when I turned around chris was punching I was punching to but there was a table behind me and I slipped and fell under it then he knee me under the table then the fight stopped. Chris said to go round 3 tomorrow or whenever & I said of course we can go round 3. In all honestly its a battle of pride and whos ever stronger and what not because it seem by everyone who were there Im his Match
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 16:12:38 +0000

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