Regarding New Years resolutions - I havent done one of those in - TopicsExpress


Regarding New Years resolutions - I havent done one of those in years... about 8 years ago, (at the time) I had a well paying job, an abundance of savings, positive ROI investments, various small measures of success, and no real worries or needs to speak of... The only problem is I was extremely BORED. Life was too predictable. No risks. No creativity. Nadda. I recall wishing I had the balls to try doing things differently and make a few changes. Unfortunately, with any change theres always some risk of loss or pain. Most of us - to some degree - have an under-developed self-esteem (and I was no exception). Weighing risks with a poorly developed self-esteem leads to self-doubt and ultimately to procrastination. Year after year Id find myself committing to New Years resolutions... only to find my most important ones hadnt been completed the following year. One time a friend told me he had some success motivating himself by imagining being near the end of his expected life span (say ~80 odd years) and recounting how he had lived those years - Virtually living through your life and vividly imagining various decisions, outcomes, consequences, and experiences. He said it was a great way to get motivated enough to make important changes in his life. I gave it shot. I imagined continuing down the safe road and continuing that pattern until my twighlight years. That version of my life seemed pretty boring and ultimately colourless... almost sad, perhaps even a tragedy. My vigour almost gone, and that important resource that comes with youth - the ability to bounce back from painful set backs - was spent. Wishing I had taken more risks, tried more things, experienced MORE failure, success, bitter defeat, and thrilling triumphs... when I had the chance (i.e. right NOW). Sounds a bit melodramatic doesnt it?... it really lit a fire under my ass. I wrote that virtual-looking-back experience down in a journal so I can recall it in crystal clear clarity any time I need to. Like any other sane person Id much rather just have successes, pleasant experiences, and fluffy bunnies in my life. However, when reflecting on that virtual-looking-back experience I remember why I constantly take risks and push the envelope. Because of taking the time to do that the inevitable struggles, hard times, failures, defeats, and embarrassments only serve as useful learning experiences that ultimately become part of my JOURNEY... my STORY... and ultimately enable me to grow into my potential. Phew. After spending quality time with my family and friends at my Fathers funeral a couple weeks ago... reflecting upon his development arc and the legacy he left, it helped to cement my conclusions on this subject. If youre scribbling out your resolutions for the coming year, perhaps this stuff is useful to you... In any case I hope this is a rich and rewarding year for you (and me) - regardless of the ups, downs, struggles, breakthroughs, fears, failures, and successes were about to face :-)
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 21:36:26 +0000

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