Regarding Noah, my friend Jonathan Bock has been heavily involved - TopicsExpress


Regarding Noah, my friend Jonathan Bock has been heavily involved with the film through Grace Hill Media. As many know I have mixed feelings, but also see positive attributes and potential, which is taking place in the discussions. Anyway, just got a letter from Grace Hill and Jonathan via email and he gave me permission to post it here, I think something good for all to see regarding the film. My thoughts prior to it, are you can see my review or many others, but at least have the decency to make educated comments, I have seen so many things that arent true and have seen the movie, nuff said, Jonathans comment: Hello, friends, I just wanted to give you a quick update on NOAH: Not only is it the most talked-about film in the country, it’s also the No. 1 film in the country! Estimates are that it will earn more than $43 million at the box office through Sunday, topping GLADIATOR’S first weekend and putting it on pace to be a bigger hit than ROBIN HOOD, Russell Crowe’s most-recent action-adventure film about a well-known character. Aside from the bottom-line numbers, though, NOAH is being Starring Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Ray Winstone, Emma Watson, adn Anthony Hopkinsoverwhelmingly embraced by those who see it. Audience ratings from Cinemascore, the industry’s top barometer of moviegoer opinion, show that 4 times as many people like the film as don’t – an astonishingly good ratio given the pre-release controversy that surrounded NOAH. Maybe you’re one of the group who didn’t particularly care for the film; good people committed in their faith can disagree. I am comforted that we serve a God who is precious but not fragile and who, above all, is sovereign. I do hope you will agree with me, though, that it is a great thing for Christianity when a movie generates so much buzz and success that it gets people talking about the Bible and not a comic book, about God and not a character from a series of tween novels. Another exciting development is that we have been hearing from churches that would like to dig more deeply into the themes of justice and mercy depicted in the film, so next week we will be making available sermon and small-group study notes with accompanying film clips for interested congregations. Stay tuned for more information. Have a great weekend! Best, Jonathan Bock
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 13:21:36 +0000

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