Regarding Tsarnaev - TopicsExpress


Regarding Tsarnaev case: ____________________________________________________________________ It might sound strange for an average American, however, young men like him are often used with mind-control of various powers. ____________________________________________________________________ McVey, Oklahoma bomber, was setup by US agencies and army and mind controlled be silent as a hero and to die for it - it was just a public stunt - to give revenge to angry white men for Wako.______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Ogorodnikova and her husband were framed, as bonus to Reagan-Bush leadership of spy-catchers from Russian consulate in California - mind controlled and silent during the trial.______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 9/11 suicide bombers were mind controlled soldiers that acted by order from Moslem World and USA that got a deal - to give revenge to Moslems for killing in two days and nights 200,000 of Moslems - half Civilians, half disarmed soldiers returning home. They were in disbelieve - Ata actually reported it to USA government, through a state ministry - they ignored his report - just do it. The surviving terrorists died in denying and praying to Allah.___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Unibomber was mind controlled, since being a "Pollack" he was prepared to be plagiarized by Germanic and Nordic Americans. He resisted and denied them. Busting him up in Berkley University, they used him in a cabin, surrounded by telepaths of pseudo-"Green" society and made him kill or maim resisting like him scientists. Finally they silenced him as "bad Pollack" to boost rise to power at year 2000 new pro-Germanic Nazi "World order"._____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Not unlike all of the above, specially last one, Tsarnayev was used. He lived in Asia probably from family of fighting on German side Chechens during WW2. His family stood for too long there - probably because his father or grandfather was a war criminal of WW2, being afraid to go back to Caucasus - till somebody did pay for his return to Caucasus - To Dagestan, were nobody would remember him? Had brothers Tsarnaevs pay for it to Russia? Did Putin and Obama make a deal? To scare republican Boston "Tea Party" by blowing a bomb for Obama? To pin it on Dagestan for Putin, so that large Russian Armies would invade Dagestan - prepare Russia invade Georgia and Azerbaijan from many directions and repopulate it by Russians?_______________ ____________________________________________________ Soldiers-slaves dying in silence for Tyrannies and tyrants games - To stay in power and expand their empires!
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 22:52:27 +0000

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