Regarding guns. I went through the last thread - the one I - TopicsExpress


Regarding guns. I went through the last thread - the one I shared from GopStoppers - one point made by a handful of commenters sort of stuck with me. I’ll get to it in a moment. I have been talking, lately, about the various shootings of unarmed citizens by cops. I have, on occasion, made it abundantly clear that I am not anti-cop. I’m know they do dangerous work. I know they do important work. And I believe they are - by and large - good people. I’ve occasionally used the hashtag #GoodCopsRise. I want to believe the vast majority of police are as horrified at - say - the shooting of Tamir Rice - as the rest of us. And I think you can be horrified by that shooting and see it as something that shouldn’t have happened, question the reasons behind it, try to prevent it from happening again... and not be “anti-police.” I think that is a label used to shame the opposition into silence. I do not accept it. So back to the first point. I can’t say the above about police, and seem to be taking the opposite tone about all gun owners. And while I have also stated that I don’t think ALL guns are bad, and that I do no believe ALL gun owners or gun enthusiasts are threats - I think I need to be a little more conscious of my narrative. To be clear: I think Open Carry is stupid. I think Stand Your Ground is dangerous. I think Sandy Hook Truthers should seek help. There are many other issues we will NEVER agree with, and I am not going to stop posting about that. But. I know the vast majority of gun owners are good. I know that vast majority will never use their gun in anger. And perhaps I should be more clear when posting about something specific, I am using that something specific to discuss something larger. I wouldn’t like being painted with that broad of a brush if it was something I was passionate about. I think it’s fair to see how that would bother others. I am sure the next time I post about guns, the usual wave of fury will hit my page. Barring abject cruelty - which is subjective - I let it breathe. Maybe I have to block a few jerks, but maybe I learn something. And to the gun owners that have come here and had respectful debates… to the ones that have messaged me directly and been civil especially when we agree to disagree - I think I owe it to TRY to be a little less vitriolic about the topic. We’ll see how that works out.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 17:25:23 +0000

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