Regarding life…many humans have been told that God’s desire is - TopicsExpress


Regarding life…many humans have been told that God’s desire is for life to be a school, a place of learning, a time of testing, a brief and precious opportunity to migrate the soul back to heaven, back to God, whence it came. Many humans have also been told that it’s when life ends that the real joy begins. All of life should be considered a prelude, a forerunner, a platform upon which is built the soul’s experience of eternity. Life should therefore be led with an eye toward the Afterlife, for what is earned now will be experienced forever. Most humans also believe that God’s desire is for people to understand that life consists of what people can see, hear, taste, touch, and smell—and nothing more. One result of this teaching: Humans believe that life is not easy, nor is it supposed to be. It’s a constant struggle. In this struggle, anything other than what is perceived by the five senses is considered “supernatural” or “occult” and falls, therefore, into the category of “trafficking with the Devil” and “the work of Satan.” Humans are struggling to get back to God, and into God’s good graces. They are struggling to get back home. This is what life is about. It’s about the struggle of the soul, living within the body, to get back home, to return to God, from Whom it has been separated. Most people of religious persuasion focus heavily on Heaven and Hell. Those who believe that “getting to Heaven” is the ultimate Purpose of Life, and who truly and fervently believe that they can guarantee their entrance into Heaven by doing certain things while on Earth, will, of course, seek to do those things. They’ll make sure that their sins are confessed regularly, and that their absolutions are up to date, so that if they die suddenly their soul will be ready for Judgment Day. They’ll fast for hours, days, or weeks at a time, travel on pilgrimages to distant holy places, go to church or temple or mosque or synagogue every week without fail, tithe 10% of their income, eat or not eat certain foods, wear or not wear certain clothing, say or not say certain words, and engage in all manner of rites and rituals. They’ll obey the rules of their religion, honor the customs of their faith, and follow the instructions of their spiritual leaders in order to demonstrate to God that they are worthy, so that a place will be reserved for them in Paradise. If they are distressed enough and oppressed enough and unhappy enough, some humans will even end their own lives and kill other people— including the totally innocent and the absolutely unsuspecting— for the promise of a reward in heaven. (If that promised reward happens to be 72 black-eyed virgins with whom to spend all of eternity, and if the humans in question happen to be 18- to 30-year-old men with little future and a dust-laden, poverty stricken, injustice-filled present, the chances of their making such an extraordinarily destructive decision will increase tenfold.) They’ll do this because they believe this is God’s desire. But is it?
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 16:44:56 +0000

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