Regarding my wife Carols update here. I must admit that I was - TopicsExpress


Regarding my wife Carols update here. I must admit that I was quite ipset when I was told the surgery was going to be postponed. My eye doctor usually only operates on Thursdays, so I I was quite miffed at thinking that I would have to wait another three weeks (since I will be fluing to Brazil next weekend and Thanksgiving would be the following Thursday, leaving me hanging until December with no teatments for either eye). When my doctor called to say hed reschedule me for tomorrow since he understood my situation, I was at first unhappy because tomorrow is Carols birthday and I really hated to ruin that special day. Carol, brave, selfless and caring as always, was unconcerned about that and thought I was being a bit too worried about it. The only snag was that she still had to perform in tTHE MAN WHO CAME TO DINNER tomorrow night and was led to believe that I would need to be watched over for the first 24 hours after surgery. What she didnt know iwas that I had arranged for a birthday cake to be delivered to the theater on her birthday and the thought of missing that was why I was reluctant to have the procedure tomorrow. Well, my doctor really must have known just how much that meant to me and not only rescheduled my surgery, but also kept the follow-up visit originally scheduled for Friday as is so I can be cleared to go to the theater Friday evening as planned (my nieces boyfriend had already graciously volunteered to drive me from the doctor to the theater tomorrow night because Carol needed to get there earlier than I in order to get into makeup and costume). So,Ill be able to join the chorus of Happy Birhday for my wonderful and oh-so-special love of my life after all. It wont be a surprise now, but it will be all the sweeter becaause of the help of so many to make it happen. I also must also send a special thank you to our dear, dear friend Bonnie Jean McMinn who flew in all the way from Wrightville, PA to keep Carol company while I was in surgery. It was an incredible gesture of friendship that Carol and I will never forget. And thats where it all stands now. Tomorrrow should finally bring me a bit closer tto progress, and hopefully recovery. Thank you all for your well=wishes, gositive vibes and prayers. Aftyrer todays events, there can be no direction but up, up and away from here. Hugs!!
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 15:16:55 +0000

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