Regarding the Egyptian Philharmonic Civilizsations. In English - TopicsExpress


Regarding the Egyptian Philharmonic Civilizsations. In English He is a funny comedian & She is a new town. The instant that sunman and earth woman came into being, they shared the sky with affection. The earth always listens & the sky always sees. Without knowledge of the laws of nature a human can be neither just nor wise. Nature hears your thoughts & sees your deeds. If you want to be brave do not count your fears. Lose your temper & you lose a friend; lie & you lose yourself. Hard work is what makes every thing very easy. Being good to others means being good to yourself, your family & all your loved ones. Only your kind efforts for goodness sake is what you will find for yourself, your family & all your loved ones. Go1d has a beautiful plan, for every woman and man. Trust Go1d and pray, and He will light the way. Love is the only flower that grows and blossoms without the aid of the seasons & the right language is the right means for an all seasons dish so talk English LOVELY. In English Cats are cute & all loan providers are the same. In English; Scientifically according to the statistical sciences if you go any where in the whole globe you may find millions of people living & working there but the true statistical facts confirms that absolutely absolutely absolutely there is nobody there except just yourself with your name on it what ever you do in your life way just comes straight back to yourself, your family & all your loved ones. You are just one flower in a human society garden full of varieties of flowers & you are just one leaf on a human pen tree full of leaves so knowing that we are living in a pen tree & science coin time and life equation you need also to understand that just there is one Go1d but there are different kitchens & just there is one pound but there are different professions so knowing that Go1d is truth and he is there for you like you like any body else and knowing that one pound equals one calorie & few calories are equivalent to few pounds you need to do the efforts towards Go1d & your deen as well as the efforts towards yourself, your donia, your family, your loved ones & your society according to your position and your location in the community & in humanity. We are living in different lines so you need to know your line and your place & position in this line then stay in the queue and function ethically & correctly knowing your destination just one step at a time will get you there & just hard work is what makes every thing very easy. The Reason For All Human Miseries; ( Having Minds, Souls & Hearts Which Are all hat and no cattle. ). The Egyptian Population Last Year; ... 83,688,164 (July 2012 est.) Population growth rate 1.922% (2012 est.) Thinking about the near future, simply if the Egyptians are currently estimated to be 85 million citizen and to be fair & just with every body & each citizen; if we all stand in a queue and each one of us would have ago at the presidential chair of Egypt just for one year then this queue will take the Egyptians 85 million years. Twice upon a time an Egyptian man went to pick an apricot from the human pen-tree & instead he got a lemon Ha Ha Ha !?... Egypt Estimated/Projected Population Details 2020 Total 96.3M Egypt Estimated/Projected Population Details 2030 Total 111M Egypt Estimated/Projected Population Details 2050 Total 138M I am trying to say we are all one human and we are all connected & related to each other. Egypt is just a human brand or a human category or a class/dish and we got to be all inline with the Egyptian pen tree & science coin frame work and each of us must do his part well within the frame work for a n1ce surprise surprise as a reward for his/her efforts. We are also connected to a wider nation by the lingual hormone called Arabic which also is a human pen tree category with various classes and which also connects to a more wider human pen tree categories or brands with various classes and lingual hormones. Destination Lucky Strike, Shallow people believe in luck. Strong successful people believe in causes and effects so that Luck is something thats created over the time & life equation based on performance, goodness, actions and dedications as well as clean good intentions. So basically it is your goodness throughout your life way that makes your luck and your loved ones tracks on this same luck path and starts from there! so get up and get going. Hard work is what makes every thing very easy If you try it ethically & correctly you give yourself a chance that you may get it but if you never try it you will never get it ... You cant lose what you dont have, and you cant find what you dont look for, sometimes life is not about you waiting for something to come, but you moving towards what was waiting for you. Sometimes life doesnt give you a second chance or another time.. you have an option NOW or NEVER! Everything is a risk! You just got to guide yourself ethically & correctly the right way in order to take the next steps with the best possible risk management plans and never forget that if plan A is not working then you still have the rest of the alphabet until Z. Life doesnt provide warranties and guarantees, it only provides possibilities and opportunities for those who dare to make best use of it taking in considerations that those people who waits upon a fortune are never sure of a dinner. The doors are always open to those who are willing to attempt attempts & try tries !! with no hard feelings ): Let your dreams be bigger than your fears, your actions louder than your words, and your faith stronger than your feelings. Simply you make your luck & you shoes your life way. Do not wait to strike while the iron is hot, but make it HOT by striking. Finally excuse my French & I will pardon your English Well done is better than well said. The Egyptian humans belong to MANKIND only and we do not belong to the human race. We the Egyptians should work on understanding that we exist in a wide open world which is now just a global village and if other creatures belong to the human race we are much better than that as we only belong to MANKIND EXISTING IN A MULTI COLOURTURAL SOCIETIES MACRO THINKING SERVING HUMANITY. If we do not work on changing ourselves to the better we will never move an inch forward and we will seize to exist. The only way to SURVIVE is to work on it ! Every Little Helps ! Hard work is what makes every thing very easy Finally mates the true meaning of Egypt in Arabic can be described as; Town or City or Civil or Civilization thus being Egyptian Humans Literally means being a civilized humans MANKIND. The problem with the Egyptian people is that they think that the Philharmonic Monuments & Civilisations are their own ones which is scientifically not correct. The correct information is that the Philharmonic Civilisations & Monuments are Mankind Civilisations and the current generations have to work it out by their own hands to make their own future & civilisations. In English civilization literally mens a social process - a process involved in the formation of groups of persons while In English civilisation literally wooomens - the social process whereby societies achieve an advanced stage of development and organization. The other problem with the Egyptian people is that they miss understand luck and they think that it will come to them which is incorrect information because in order to mrs understand luck you need to know that luck is hand made you make your own luck happen & you shoes your life way. Simply Egypt in real life is a town & the dish is a lingual dish. So True BE ORGANISED TO BE CIVILIZED. Some New Little Ideas Can Change The Whole Globe Would the differences between inventions and innovations be like the differences between water and water or time & time ): The Reason For All Human Miseries; ( Having Minds, Souls & Hearts Which Are all hat and no cattle. ). Thanks for your time. Please Share If You Care. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=1511975599027650&set=a.1486770541548156.1073741846.100006456737297&type=1
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 13:52:11 +0000

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