Regenetek Research- Who We Are and What We Believe In As the - TopicsExpress


Regenetek Research- Who We Are and What We Believe In As the patients on this site demonstrate better and more enduring outcomes, ‘the long knives now come out for our research. Simply put, the efficacy demonstrated by patients having undergone CTP therapy threatens their medical tourism businesses. Therefore, now and in the future, entire smear campaigns will be mounted against Regenetek, its study participants and paid internet trolls working for other stem cell clinics, as well as the drug companies who will all do their best to disparage us in an effort to eliminate their competition. They will attempt to vilify and discredit our reputation in every way possible. It’s nothing we haven’t seen before and we are standing tall. And as time goes on there are ‘facts’ about Regenetek Research, our people, the growing number of study subjects, and CTP that cannot be dismissed so easily. Firstly, Regenetek Research Inc., is a registered ‘not-for-profit’ Canadian company supported by a major Canadian Foundation, ‘The Great Commission Foundation’ (TGCF). TGCF’s lawyers have vetted Regenetek for its work as a charitable organization and we have qualified as such with the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA). This is new and wasnt available until this week. Therefore, Canadians wishing to apply for this therapy can do so and actually sponsor their own therapies making their payment fully tax-deductible. Does anyone really believe that the Canadian CRA would accredit ‘a scam’? The argument should be put to rest there, but let me continue with some more facts. Regenetek Research Inc. does not engage in medical tourism. Personally, I strongly believe that no medical therapy that isn’t a standard of practice in medicine should EVER be performed outside of an accredited clinical trial. All patients within this trial are followed for 5 years. Although patients through this clinical trial contribute to the cost of their own therapy, the owners and sponsors of Regenetek’s research contribute much more on a per patient basis. As we authorize all spending, we can also control the direction of the study to follow where the research has led us, not to support a false hypothesis with clear profit motives behind it. The owners of Regenetek have raised millions to continue this important work and we believe, have gone far deeper into the research literature on the subject than any other investigation into a cause and a potential therapy for MS. We have several Institutional Research Board (IRB) accreditations (indicated on our website) and are strictly governed by rules for clinical trials in human studies by oversight of an Ethics Committee. The therapeutic protocol adheres to all rules and guidelines for such therapeutic research as laid down by the International Cellular Medicine Society (ICMS) and the World Medical Association. Regenetek does not recruit patients. There is no budget for promotion or advertising as per the guidelines of the IRB. All patient/participants in the study come to us through word-of-mouth or via doing their own internet search. Patients have the right to freely choose such a medical intervention under Article 37 of the Declaration of Helsinki. If participants in recovery, having undergone CTP post positive news on social media sites about their outcomes, they are not paid to do so. Informational videos have been made but only as part of an educational initiative, not as advertising. All patients must qualify for the research based on strict inclusionary/exclusionary criteria. Furthermore they must agree to, and sign Informed Consent as per IRB regulations. As the Principal Investigator for this research, and whether they qualify or not, I usually spend several hours speaking to each prospective participant prior to their acceptance to both qualify them and provide them with enough information about the protocol and its risks to make an informed choice. This is experimental therapeutic research with all of the risks pertaining thereto. Having said that, no patient has died as a result of this therapy and in fact there has never been an Adverse Event, significant or otherwise, as a result of CTP therapy through the course of this investigation, a remarkable record of safety for any clinical trial involving human study. Regenetek Research is starting new adjunctive research initiatives with several academic organizations. I will not go into detail here but anyone can read about it on the Regenetek Research website. In order to accomplish this we have hired several new researchers, as well as a new Director of Neuroscience Research, Dr. Uta Sboto-Frankenstein. Dr. Uta was recently doing research in the imaging lab at the National Research Council here in Canada and has spent her career studying the brain through MR and DT imaging. She has approximately 25 clinical studies to her name and is one of the most experienced researchers in her specific field of clinical investigation. Regenetek will use her vast knowledge to design and develop additional clinical evidence in association with the data we obtain from every patient over their five-year participation. A new MRI study is in the formative stages and we are now asking patients in this trial as to whether they would like to take part in this additional investigation. Regarding the research, Regenetek is into the third year of investigation after obtaining the IRB. Naturally, patient therapies did not begin until the IRB was granted and the Ethics Committee was in place. We have now treated about 70 patients and are treating an average of around 3 patients per month. This is a poor economic model for medical tourism, which likely requires at least that number of patients per day, but a solid model for a clinical investigation the size of ours. The reason we haven’t published at this time is because we simply didn’t have enough data until now. Therefore, we intend to submit two articles to journals for peer-review within the next several months. Publication will start in 2015 and we intend to publish various findings frequently for the duration of the study. There is no doubt that the CTP protocol under investigation has already demonstrated significant outcomes for patients. For example, study participant Deb O’Connell who was 9.5 EDSS, end-stage, almost completely paralytic, required bi-pap, feeding tube and frequent life-saving hospital interventions prior to her CTP therapy, has improved without regression to lead a life of marvelous quality, as she continues to improve some two years later. In fact, she has resumed quite a normal life despite a few lingering disabilities. Nowhere in the medical literature is there a patient who was documented to be at the end stage of life with a neurodegenerative disease who has recovered muscle mass, limb and other body system functions as a direct result of a single interventional therapy (of any kind). She has just enrolled in our new adjunctive physiotherapeutic study at Camosun College in Victoria BC and will take part in a physiotherapeutic regime designed to bring such patients to as full function as possible. Other patients have demonstrated similar recoveries, but Deb is somewhat special simply because of the stage of her disease and her significant other challenges when she was treated. I am confident in saying that no other research investigation would have qualified her, and no other therapy could have been as effective. And speaking of developing these adjunctive programs for patients, Regenetek researchers have logged hundreds of thousands of air miles in the past several years to visit with patients in their homes wherever they might be in the world and to speak with clinicians at hospitals and other academic institutions with whom we are developing alignment. Not a very profitable economic model for ‘a scam’. I am only deeply saddened by those individuals and organizations who claim to uphold patient rights yet feel the need to tear into us and attempt to discredit our research because they can see that their own profit-driven motives are threatened. It is effrontery to every person stricken with a neurodegenerative disease for which there is no known cure. The individual who has launched the Facebook campaign against Regenetek Research is clearly so motivated. But I’m not sure how these people will defend their untenable positions in the future. Others have tried before but we have come away stronger only because we have stayed the course and have not wavered from our goal to help patients with these horrible diseases. Participant/patients in this study continue to demonstrate a return to health after a single round of minimally invasive interventions. Yet we make no claims. We cannot say that CTP is a cure for MS. But it is ‘curative’ in its approach because it is intelligently based upon the science currently in the medical literature that identifies the ‘causes’. And in performing our reviews, we have looked in every part of the literature in order to design this protocol; not simply adopting some, and rejecting other evidence as if it didn’t exist. We do this for patients, not profit. We have no patents or intellectual property at this point that needs defending. Once demonstrated in the 350 patients scheduled for this trial, we will give this to the world. But chances are that if we had treated 700 or 7,000 patients instead of the 70 current patients, and achieved the same record of safety and efficacy as we are currently demonstrating, the conversations about CTP would be very different. I am very proud of what we have achieved to date and indeed of all of the patients in this study. You know where the truth lies. regenetek/
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 22:34:22 +0000

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