Regime Change in Russia by Economic Warfare is Violation of - TopicsExpress


Regime Change in Russia by Economic Warfare is Violation of Nuremberg This weeks cover of The Economist, mouthpiece of the City of London, depicts a bear bleeding in the snow, headlined “Russias Wounded Economy.” Backed up by three pages of in-depth profiling of Russian economic weak points, the lead editorial serves to confirm Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrovs charge, that the purpose of the Wests economic sanctions against Russia is “regime change.” Speaking for a trans-Atlantic financial sector that is itself bankrupt, The Economist declares that Russia “is closer to crisis than the West or Vladimir Putin realize.” The list of vulnerabilities includes dependence on oil exports, when oil prices are now 10 to 20 dollars/barrel below what Moscow had counted on; a 23% collapse in the ruble, bringing potential consumer price inflation despite efforts to substitute domestically produced goods for imports; and the Russian corporate foreign debt, of both state-owned and private companies, which is now over $500 billion, with $130 billion due before the end of 2015. The Economist suggests ways for “international finance” to exploit each of these, to breach “Russias defenses.” Continuing its propaganda campaign of recent weeks about vulnerabilities within the BRICS, The Economist suggests that if Russian companies default, then Brazil will be the next to suffer. “When economies are on an unsustainable course,” the editorial intones, “international finance often acts as a fast-forward button, pushing countries over the edge more quickly than politicians or investors expect...” One of the back-up articles purports to find a Russian “weakness” in the fact that $170 billion of its reserves and “rainy day” assets are in the National Welfare Fund (NWF) and the Reserve Fund, and the NWF has been partially committed to infrastructure investment, so it wont be available for bailouts! The Economists international editor, Ed Lucas, is a notorious Putin-basher and author of books on the need to bring down Putin, also famous for the utterance in 2008, “I hate the Westphalian system” of sovereign nation-states. Lucas personally used his Twitter feed last December to fan the Maidan coup process in Ukraine, by putting out a false report that President Victor Yanukovych had pledged to join the Eurasian Customs Union as a full member. Today economic issues were debated in the Russian Federation Council, as one of a series of top-level economic policy meetings, in advance of Putins Message to the Federal Assembly on Dec. 4. There are rumors of government and/or policy changes. One of the speakers was Academician Sergei Glazyev, adviser to Putin on Eurasian integration, who said that Russia is losing 11 trillion rubles (around $250 billion) this year through capital flight and currency speculation. He blasted the Central Bank for starving the Russian real economy of credit, and called for increased funding of development institutions (like the Development Bank, the Russian Direct Investment Fund, and others), a heavy tax on dubious cross-border capital movements, and the implementation of serious deoffshoreization at last. Russia has $500 billion parked in offshore tax havens, Glazyev said, adding, “These offshores are in British jurisdictions, so at any moment they can be cut off from our financial system by sanctions.” larouchepac/20141125/regime-change-russia-economic-warfare-violation-nuremberg
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 11:09:09 +0000

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