Regina Thompson Campbell made this comment to a question about - TopicsExpress


Regina Thompson Campbell made this comment to a question about wheat/food storage on the Preparing in the last days fb group. I believe that this is the general attitude of many people in the Church and it will be a sad day for them when the day of reckoning comes: I literally just walked in the door from an enrichment meeting Im helping decorate and plan, with a 7 or 8 of sisters (who I love dearly) who were laughing and scoffing at the idea that the whole evening is about food storage and joking (almost proudly) that they dont own wheat or care to use it and their family wouldnt eat it and good thing we arent talking about wheat the whole night....thank goodness its more practical stuff... life storing spaghetti os. The Enrichment leader who planned it said she was afraid that no one would come if they announced that the guest speaker was talking about food storage they are just presenting it as a dinner and recipe exchange. Oh man! I knew it was bad, but didnt realize it was this bad! Not one of them there knew how to sprout wheat or what a wheat berry was (needed for some of the recipes). Yikes! I dont like to seem pushy and overbearing so I silently feel my stomach sink as I smile back at their comments when I try to explain to them how to sprout wheat for the table decor, and how to make wheat berries. I didnt know you could do anything besides make bread with wheat....Sorry for my rant but seriously I feel like Im from another planet when I talk about this stuff sometimes! How can I help people get prepared and see the importance of it when most people just dont want to?
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 19:21:41 +0000

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