Regional Industrial Research, Technology Collaboration Networks in - TopicsExpress


Regional Industrial Research, Technology Collaboration Networks in the Offing A two-day Technical Working Group meeting is underway at The Heron Portico Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya to fine-tune the terms of reference for the soon to be established EAC Technical Working Group on Industrial Research... East African Community Secretariat, Arusha, 27 June 2013: A two-day Technical Working Group meeting is underway at The Heron Portico Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya to fine-tune the terms of reference for the soon to be established EAC Technical Working Group on Industrial Research, Technology and Innovation (IRTI). Also on the table for consideration is the establishment of a Center for Adaptation and Transfer of Manufacturing and Industrial Technologies (CATMIT). The meeting aims at spearheading the EAC Industrialization Policy and Action Plan for implementation of the Industrialization Policy which call for ‘facilitating the transformation of the manufacturing sector through high value addition and product diversification based on comparative and competitive advantages of the region’ and ‘regional collaboration and development of capacity in Industrial Research, Development and Innovation’ respectively. The IRTI Technical Working Group will be indispensable in guiding collaboration between research and technology organizations to enhance use of technology in driving the EAC industrial development agenda, according to industrialization experts at the EAC Secretariat. The Technical Working Group will be tasked with identifying specific projects and programmes for regional collaboration, foster stronger linkages between industry, private sector, academia and research and technology as well as be the leading light in mobilization of sustainable financial and technical resources among others. In his keynote address, Amb. Dr. Joseph Kiplagat from Kenya’s Ministry of Industrialization and Enterprise Development noted there is need to tap the opportunities the African continent has to offer. “African has many opportunities for economic growth. While many African countries have experienced tremendous economic growth, science, technology and innovation are critical for the transformation of these economies to aide the attainment of Millennium Development Goals, and for these economies to move into the global knowledge economy,” he said. Amb. Kiplagat highlighted the limited innovation systems in the region hinder the actualization of innovative ideas into innovative solutions. “There is need to develop technologies where there is value addition, this will address our exportation of raw materials, and re-importation of the same materials, only as finished goods,” reiterated Amd. Kiplagat. Although manufacturing remains an important engine for economic growth, an overall increase in competitiveness of the manufacturing sector would lead to enhanced opportunities that not only drive demand but also generate employment through spill-over effects. Stable growth of the manufacturing sector is necessary for creating overall growth and employment possibilities in developing economies. The Center for Adaptation and Transfer of Manufacturing and Industrial Technology (CATMIT) endeavors to ensure the sustainability of the Industrial sector and will more specifically assist in enhancing the technological performance and productivity of the manufacturing sector. This will be achieved through the identification, adaption, dissemination and promotion of new and appropriate manufacturing technologies, building up/strengthening local capacities and establishing partnerships for technology management. Attending the meeting are Chief Executive Officers of Industrial Research and Technology Organizations (IRTOs), representatives from universities dealing with industrial research; national science and technology councils; ministries responsible for industrialization; industry associations (manufacturing associations); among others. Notes to Editors • Industrial Research, Technology and Innovation (IRTI) The Terms of Reference for a comprehensive review study on Industrial Research, Technology and innovation situation in the region with an aim to formulate a Regional Technology and Innovation Framework’ was approved by the EAC Sectoral Council on Trade, Industry, Finance and Investment (SCTIFI), during its meeting held on 30th July to 1st August 2012. Following the approval the SCTIFI directed the Secretariat to establish a Technical Working Group on Research and Technology Organizations to enable networking, exchange of experiences and fostering collaboration. Further the SCTIFI also adopted the need for the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding among Chief Executive Officers from Research and Technology Organizations to establish the collaboration and cooperation; and the need for joint regional projects and programmes. • Centre for Adaptation and Transfer of Manufacturing and Industrial Technologies (CATMIT) The request for the establishment of an EAC-UNIDO Centre for Adaptation and Transfer of Manufacturing and Industrial Technologies (CATMIT) is based on the visit of the EAC Secretary General to UNIDO in 4-6 July 2012, where great interest for the center’s creation was expressed. As a follow up of the visit, UNIDO organized and sponsored a five-day Expert Meeting mission to India form 18-23 February 2013. During the mission, the delegation from the EAC Secretariat and participants from the partner states Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda visited various Government bodies that deal with sectors and development issues that are also a priority for the East African countries, namely Pharmaceuticals, Agro, Leather, and Food Processing. The indicative budget of the 5-year project is estimated at €5 million (€1 Million annually) including management costs. In addition, UNIDO will facilitate networking and linkages between CATMIT and its other technical centers and networks, such as the National Cleaner Production Centers in the region and elsewhere, technology suppliers and investment promotion networks. ________________________________________________________________________________ For more information please contact: Owora Richard Othieno, Head of Department; Corporate Communications and Public Affairs; Tel: +255 784 835021; Email: [email protected]
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 18:51:09 +0000

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