Regrading the massive mining disaster near Likely, BC a couple of - TopicsExpress


Regrading the massive mining disaster near Likely, BC a couple of days ago, it should be noted that Likely and Horsefly are located in that part of BCs Interior that voted overwhelmingly to return Christy Clarks neo-liberal government to power, despite the extremely poor record of this government on environmental issues and concerns. No other government in BC has ever so gutted environmental protection legislation or the Ministry of the Environment as this one has in the 13 years it has been in office. While it is true that the MoE cited Imperial Mining for various factors, including allowing too much water to build up in its tailings pond (more than double the ponds maximum safe capacity) and ordered them to remove and treat the effluent (which they didnt do, obviously), the MoE was unable to enforce its own recommendations because it no longer has the resources to enforce compliance, thanks to the cutbacks. Further, Imperial has been fined in the past for safety breeches; however, for a company that is dealing in mega-millions of dollars, a paltry $200 fine is not exactly going to worry its board of directors or CEO overmuch. So, blame Imperial, blame the government, but dont forget to point the finger at yourselves for electing this government, again and again, BC! And I refuse to buy into the explanation, that, though this last provincial election was the NDPs to win, they threw it away by refusing to engage in a negative campaign to such an extent that they failed to remind voters of the liberals appalling past record; this is mere excuse-making! We all knew the governments record. We all knew the failings of this spendthrift government that threw away jobs and got us massively into debt and has been deliberately provoking job actions by angry unionized workers fed up with being goaded and harassed into taking job actions they had no desire or intention of taking! If the voters of the interior of BC, from Oosoyoos to Fort St John, and including the Caribou and Gold Rush regions were stupid enough to buy into the same tired old arguments that the establishment, rightwing, pro-business parties have been trying to scare us with for the best part of a century and a half, and myopic enough to overlook or forget the iniquities of the past, then they really have only themselves to blame for this disaster and for all of the other fiascos that have already happened (such as the dockworkers and teachers strikes) and for all the fiascos and disasters to come! Wake up, you morons! Get your heads out of your arseholes and take a good, hard look at the real world for once!
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 18:52:29 +0000

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