Regular Meeting - July 8, 1982 Milton, Florida. The Board of - TopicsExpress


Regular Meeting - July 8, 1982 Milton, Florida. The Board of County Commissioners of Santa Rosa County, Florida, met in Regular Session on the above date with the following members present: Chairman William Carroll, Vice-Chairman Jim Howell and members Robert E. Smith, Howard Barnes and Millard F. Adams, Jr. Attorney Norton, the Deputy Clerk and the Assistant Public Works Director were also present. The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman Carroll and opened with prayer by Rev. Dwight Johnson, Associate Pastor, First Assembly of Cod Church in Milton. The audience joined the Board in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. It was requested to add the following items to the Agenda (1) Baskerville Donovan request for soils test (2) Vacation of streets in Ollinger Tract 3) Northrup Road Resurfacing (4) EMS rate change (5) Architect recommendation for Change Order on jail project (6) Vending rights at Bob Sikes Bridge (7) EMS contract with Dr. Young (8) Variance Request (9) Escambia Boat Ramp concession. Howard Barnes moved approval of the Agenda as amended, which was seconded by Millard Adams and carried by unanimous vote. Millard Adams moved approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 27, Regular Meeting of June 10 and Regular Meeting of June 29, which was seconded by Robert Smith and carried by unanimous vote. John Wilkinson, Civil Defense Director, discussed the Block Grant Application and said, based on our record and change in administration at the Federal level, it appeared to be feasible for the County to submit an application for the Community Development Block Grant funds. He suggested the Pooley-Oaks Project and estimated the application preparation would cost between $5,000 and $10,000 for a consultant fee. William Carroll suggested asking the Regional Planning Council to handle it as they have in the past. Adams said, no reflection on the RPC, but he would be in favor of an outside firm as their track record was better, it appears the administration at the Federal level views these applications in a better light. After much discussion Millard Adams moved Mr. Wilkinson be authorized to contact firms who may be interested in preparing the CDBG application, which was seconded by Jim Howell and carried by unanimous vote. Mr. Wilkinson also recommended the consolidation of the Communication system in an effort to save time and considerable cost. He especially emphasized time as he said it would cut out one person between the caller and help desired. At the present time calls come into the 911 system at the Sheriffs Department, dispatchers there find out what type help is needed and then calls (EMS for instance) then a dispatcher there dispatches the ambulance. Mr. Wilkinson recommended a Committee be appointed to investigate and make a recommendation within a minimum of 30 days. He also suggested the Committee be authorized to procure any technical advice needed. The following Committee was appointed: Robert E. Smith, Commissioner Ron Boswell, Sheriffs Representative John Wilkinson, Civil Defense Representative DeVann Cook, EMS Representative Larry Stanhope, Public Works Representative Jack Sanders, Firefighters Representative Mark Krietzinger, Firefighters Representative Next on the agenda was the public hearing for the changing of the name or a road from Chavers Street to MOONLIGHT DRIVE. Jack McCombs was in attendance concerning the matter and was in favor of the change. There was no written or oral objections to the change and Jim Howell moved approval, which was seconded by Robert Smith and carried by unanimous vote. Next on the agenda was a public hearing for the vacation of Willow Woods Subdivision. Mr. T. A. Shell was in the audience concerning the matter and it was noted that proper not ice had been given and the closing was in order. Jim Howe1I moved approval of a Resolution vacating, abandoning and discontinuing the therein described subdivision. Robert Smith seconded the motion and it carried by unanimous vote. B.C.C. FILE NO. ___ RECODBD IN OR BOCK 589 AT PAGES 148-149 Mr. Dickinson, Mr. Robinson and Mr. Hanna met with the Board concerning the problem with the vacation of 10 ft. of property in the south end of the County. Mr. Dickinson brought the Board up-to-date on the problem explaining that through error they had built their house almost in the County right of way. In an effort to be located further from the road he purchase 10 ft. of property on the west from Mr. Robison to exchange with the County for 10 ft. on the east to move the road location. In the process of the proceedings in vacating the 10 ft. next to his property, the incorrect 10 ft. was vacated. Mr. Dickinson said to complicate the matter more there was a reverter clause on the Plat which he was not aware of and, apparently, the Attorney did not check it out. He said the present status is, the County owns 10 ft. next to his house, Mr. Hanna owns 10 ft. in the middle and the County owns 10 ft adjoining Mr. Robisons property. Mr. Dickinson said he would like the prob1em to be corrected and the road moved over to the location; however, if this could not be done he would like the board to return to him the 10 ft of property he purchased from Mr. Robison. Mr. Hanna said be was concerned about the a1ignment of the road if the road is moved over 10 ft. but it was noted the length of the road would be sufficient to gradual1y align it with the other portion of the road, and it was felt this would not create a problem. Mr. Hanna asked the Board if the County would construct the road but Mr. Dickinson and Mr. Robison did not feel it was necessary to construct a road in order for the people to get to the water. Mr. Robison said he had mowed a portion of the right of way and, all that was needed was for the County to cut a few trees and mark the right of way so that people would not be going on private property. During the discussion it was brought out that the road would only be 20 ft. wide and there was no parking area at the water so it would only need to provide for people to walk down to the water. After much discussion all parties were in agreement for the matter to be corrected in that the County would vacate the 10 ft next to Mr. Dickinsons house, Mr. Hanna would deed to the County the 10 ft that was vacated in error, and the deed for the 10 ft. from Mr. Dickinson to the County would be recorded. Jim Howell moved approval, with the Clerks Office to handle the vacation, which was seconded by Howard Barnes and carried by unanimous vote. Mr. Shaver Sasser and Mr. D.W. Hamilton met with the Board and made the following complaints about the management and operating procedures of the Jay Livestock Auction. 1. Management has failed to put forth the necessary effort for providing a sufficient number of slaughter buyers for competitive bidding which in turn would ensure the cattle owners higher prices for their cattle and help to build a better cattle auction for the citizens of Santa Rosa County. 2. Unfair trade practices (a) Favoritism and (b) Discrimination. 3. The manner in which cattle are weighed serves as a disadvantage to both the buyer and seller. The cattle should be routed to pass over the scales before they enter the sales ring and not after. 4. Apparently poor management is a main factor in causing a declining cattle market at the Jay Livestock Market, thus depriving the County and State of extra money that is needed in our own State. After much discussion Smith suggested the first step should be that the charges be submitted to the State Department of Agriculture and ask for an investigation. Howard Barnes suggested the Board write a letter to the State advising the complaint had been filed and asking for an investigation. Millard Adams said he felt the Board had a responsibility to the citizens to help correct this and noted the Boards handling of the complaint concerning security at Santa Rosa Hospital. He also noted the complaint about the Correctional Facility at Berrydale at which time the Board had sent a Resolution listing the complaints to the Department of Corrections at Tallahassee who investigated the complaint and then set up a meeting to work out the problems. Robert Smith moved a letter be written to Doyle Conner, with the State Department of Agriculture, submitting a copy of the complaints made, that Lamar Christenberry contact Mr. McCurdy and inform him of the charges to give him an opportunity to respond, and ask Doyle Conner to take the complaint and response into consideration. Howard Barnes seconded the motion and it carried by unanimous vote. Rusty Grundin requested the Board consider going in with the City of Milton to purchase the Old Navy Boat Docks. Carroll advised the Chamber of Commerce had written a letter requesting the Board consider a joint venture with the City of Milton to purchase this property, for public recreation, and that the matter would be referred to a Committee. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Administrative & Professional Services Committee - Carroll & Howell 1. A letter from the East Milton Volunteer Fire Department advised it had re-organized and assumed its responsibilities as a department, and asked that the Board request the Division of Forestry to return to them the Dodge truck used in the past. Howell moved approval, which was seconded by Barnes and carried by unanimous vote. 2. A letter from the Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce requested the Board consider a joint venture with the City of Milton to purchase the Old Navy Boat Docks. Carroll referred the matter to the Public Works Committee to investigate and make a recommendation to the Board. Attorney Morton recommended a title search be made, but only if the Board planned to purchase the property. It was also suggested this be purchased with boating improvement funds but it was noted these funds have been committed for dredging in the Bayous. 3. A letter from Taylor Snow, General Manager of Armstrong Hunt, thanked the Board for its help in making the Industrial Park Opening Day on June 19 a success. 4. A letter from the Asphalt Institute advised of a course in emulsified asphalt to be held in Pensacola during the month of December. Carroll entertained a motion for Frank Powell to attend the course, which was made by Adams, seconded by Howell and carried by unanimous vote. 5. A tentative Committee of the Whole meeting to work on the budget was scheduled for July 15 at 6:00 p.m. 6. Spike McDonald had requested to use the bookmobile to provide training on the new voting machines, and have the vehicle painted white at no cost to the County. Carroll entertained a motion for approval, which was made by Barnes, seconded by Smith and carried by unanimous vote. Budget & Insurance Committee - Smith & Adams 1. The Committee recommended, and Smith moved approval, to purchase electric circuits for the Supervisor of Elections Office at an estimated cost of $298.00 to be paid from Reserve for Contingencies. Adams seconded the motion and it carried by unanimous vote. 2. The Committee recommended a budget amendment for the Clerks Office in the amount of $7,600 for permanent record books and forms. Smith noted the Clerk had turned over to the Board approximately $31,000 in excess fees and it was the understanding at the time this cost would be incurred. Smith moved approval, which was seconded by Howell and carried by unanimous vote. 3. The Committee recommended approval of supplemental funding in the amount of $20,000 for the Mental Health and Rehabilitation Department. Smith explained that this had previously been approved by the Board, subject to State funding, and confirmation of State funding had been received. He also explained that this would not be additional funding but would be paid from the Federal Revenue Sharing microfilm line item. Smith moved approval, which was seconded by Adams and carried by unanimous vote. 4.The Committee recommended, and Smith moved approval, for the Department of Transportation to be asked to make a traffic light study at the Intersection of Bell Lane and Highway 90 and, if a traffic light is recommended, th6 estimated cost of $5,000 to be paid from secondary road funds. Adams seconded the motion and it carried by unanimous vote. 5. In view of a law providing for Court Reporters to all make the same salary and to be exempt from Civil Service the Committee recommended, and Smith moved approval, of funding in the amount of $1,545. to bring Fay Scholz up to the other court reporter. He said no additional funds would be needed as there is sufficient funds in the line item to take care of this for the remainder of the year, and noted the Civil Service had already removed her from Civil Service. Barnes seconded the motion and it carried by unanimous vote. 6. The Committee recommended a budget amendment in the amount of $9,480.95. for funding of the Budget Officer, with the amount to be taken from the Reserve for Contingencies. Smith moved approval, which was seconded by Adams and carried by unanimous vote. 7. The Committee recommended, and Smith moved approval, of a budget amendment in the amount of $252.77. to the Auditorium Account to take care of vandalism at the Auditorium. (The County has been reimbursed for the damage). Howell seconded the motion and it carried by unanimous vote. 8. The Committee recommended, and Smith moved approval, of a budget amendment in the amount of $3,081.00. for modification of the Courthouse Annex, to be taken from Reserve for Contingencies. Howell seconded the motion and it carried by unanimous vote. 9. The Committee recommended, and Smith moved approval, of a budget amendment for the Parks & Recreation Department in the amount of $2,406.14. for improvements to the Horse Arena, to be paid from the Federal Revenue Sharing recreation line item. Adams seconded the motion and it carried by unanimous vote. 10. The Committee recommended, arid Smith moved approval, to rescind previous action not to amend the budget until September, which was seconded by Adams and carried by unanimous vote. 11. A letter from Bob Graham, Governor; W.D. Childers, President of the Senate; and Ralph H. Haben, Jr, Speaker of the House of Representatives, urged that Counties meet the priorities established by the passage of the sales tax law, and the intent of the law, by earmarking this source of revenue for law enforcement, jails and advalorem tax relief. The Committee recommended the funds be designated for law enforcement and jail maintenance and schedule a public hearing to see if the public agrees. Attorney Norton said he felt it should be specifically designated for Road Patrol and Investigation Division and, after much discussion, it was the general concensus of the Board that more information was needed before action was taken. 12. The City of Milton had requested payment in the amount of $338.54 for personnel services rendered by the City on the jail construction. Smith explained what this amount was for but noted there had been an additional cost to the County in the amount of $454.00 for adaptors due to mis-information to the Contractor/Architect by the City. The Committee recommended, and Smith moved approval, to pay the City the difference bf $84.54, which was seconded by Adams. Carroll said he would not be in favor of paying the City anything as the work was done by in-house people and the County had done a considerable amount of work in the City. The motion carried by majority vote with Barnes, Smith, Adams and Howell in favor and Carroll opposed. Personnel Committee - Howell & Smith No report. Industrial Park/Navarre Beach Development Committee - Adams & Barnes 1. A bill had been received from Ryder Truck Rental in the amount of $231.80 due to the need for a closed truck to move the tables and chairs to the Industrial Park for the dedication on June 19. After much discussion Adams moved the bill be forwarded to the Industrial Development Authority for payment, which was seconded by Howell and carried by unanimous vote. 2. Jim Weeks explained the relocation of the Gulf Power line and said that an easement would be necessary near the sewage treatment plant. He said this would create a dogleg in the easement due to the proposed lease of the small plot presently being advertised, and noted this easement would require approval of the Advisory Council, Santa Rosa County Commissioners, Santa Rosa Island Authority and Escambia County Commissioners. After much discussion action was delayed for further information. 3. Adams moved approval of an amendment to the lease of Mr.& Mrs. Donald H. Beck on Lot 5, Block 1, Navarre Beach, to include a renewal clause for 99 years. Barnes seconded the motion and it carried by unanimous vote. 4. Barnes moved approval of a setback variance for Mr.& Mrs. Donald H. Beck on lot 5, Block 49, Navarre Beach. Adams seconded the motion and it carried by unanimous vote. 5. David Morres with Baskerville Donovan Engineers advised that the site layout plan had now been completed for the Wastewater Treatment Plant at Navarre Beach. He requested approval for a soils test to be conducted by Larry Jacobs & Associates, due to Mr. Jacobs numerous experiences with this type work, confidence in his ability and his knowledge of the Navarre Beach area. Mr. Morres said experience had shown that proposals received from Jacob & Associates were less costly than competitors but, if the Board would prefer, other proposals could be obtained. After much discussion Adams moved Baskerville Donovan be requested to obtain several proposals, submit them to the Advisory Council and then to the Board of County Commissioners at the next meeting. Smith seconded the motion and it carried by unanimous vote. Public Works & Recreation Committee - Barnes & Carroll 1. Bids for trenching at the landfill having been tabled for tabulation Larry Stanhope recommended the bid be awarded to Santa Rosa Asphalt Company for Option A as the best bid. Barnes moved approval, which was seconded by Howell and carried by unanimous vote. 2. Bids for a bulk material spreader, power mulcher and seeder, mulcher roller comb, were tabled for tabulation at the last board meeting. The Public Works Department had determined that since the County had purchased the dragline, there are no funds available to purchase the equipment at this time. 3. Barnes moved the action taken to cancel the bid for the Bass holding pond be rescinded, which was seconded by Smith and carried by unanimous vote. Barnes then moved the bid be awarded to Price Fence Co. for the Bass holding pond on a cost per foot with the same bid price. Smith seconded the motion and it carried by unanimous vote. (It was noted this would be a reduction in cost of about $106.) 4. Barnes moved approval for the County to accept title to borrow pits from the State Road Department, as marked on a map included in letters of June 1, and June 29, 1982. Howell seconded the motion and it carried by unanimous vote. 5. The Public Works Department had prepared a new proposal on the Pace High School drainage problem and recommended the County put down the base for the ditch and the School Board pay for the asphalt. It was felt the County had some responsibility for the problem and Barnes moved approval, which was seconded by Adams and carried by unanimous vote. 6. It had been determined that the County had not accepted the canals in Santa Rosa Shores Subdivision for maintenance. Barnes moved approval to send a letter to the interested parties advising them of this fact, which was seconded by Adams and carried by unanimous vote. Howell suggested a representative of the group get with the Public Works Committee and determine what is needed in order for the County to accept the canals for maintenance. 7. Larry Stanhope reported there was no problems with the vacation of streets in the Ollinger Tract but suggested it be turned over to the Public Works Department to see if the County would have any use for the streets, if there would be a drainage problem and make a recommendation at the next meeting. Barnes moved approval, which was seconded by Smith and carried by unanimous vote. 8. Larry Stanhope advised the Public Works Department had installed a ditch at the south end of Northrup Road for drainage but the grass did not hold. He recommended the matter be referred to the Public Works Department for a cost estimate on the ditch and resurfacing the road. Barnes moved approval, which was seconded by Smith and carried by unanimous vote. 9. DeVann Cook had submitted a recommendation for rate changes in the ambulance service. After much discussion Barnes moved action be tabled for the present time, which was seconded by Smith and carried by unanimous vote. Clerks Agenda: 1. A letter from Larry Lassiter requested a road located in the Pace area be named WAYNE DRIVE. A letter from Raymond Hudson requested a road located off Edwards Road in the vicinity of the Forest Tower off 281A, be named HUDSON BEND. Barnes moved approval, which was seconded by Howell and carried by unanimous vote. 2. Mrs. Kicker brought up the District 1 Mental Health Plan for approval of the Board, but it was tabled for further information. Attorneys Report: 1. Advised the lease of Santa Rosa Field had been amended to provide for the Air Show to be held each year. Adams moved approval of the lease modification, and authorizing the chairman to sign the modification lease to provide the County would be responsible. Barnes seconded the motion and it carried by unanimous vote. 2. Howell moved approval of the amendment to the Flood Plain Management Ordinance, on an emergency basis. Barnes seconded the motion and it carried by unanimous roll call vote. RECORDED IN ORD. BOOK NO ___ AT PAGE ___ 3. Noted a reply had been received from the Santa Rosa Hospital relative to the security matter, and a copy had been furnished each Commissioner. 4. Recommended approval of the Architects recommendation to approve payment of $454.00. for reducer valves in relation to the jail project. Howell moved approval, which was seconded by Adams and carried by unanimous vote. 5. A letter from Mr. Hoskins requested vending rights on the Santa Rosa side of the Bob Sikes Bridge. Attorney Morton was asked to check into this and report back to the Board. 6. Had reviewed the Contract with Dr. Young and EMS and recommended approval. Adams moved approval, at an annual rate of $2,800, which was seconded by Barnes and carried by unanimous vote. Engineers Report: 1. Had prepared applications for the dredging of Trout, Racoon & Indian Bayous and requested authorization for the chairman to sign these. Adams moved approval, which was seconded by Howell and carried by unanimous vote. Other Business: 1. Howell brought to the attention of the Board that people are not aware it is possible to reserve the Park pavillions at Navarre and Floridatown and moved approval of a sign advising the public of this fact, along with a number to call. Adams seconded the motion and it carried by unanimous vote. 2. Ondus McKenzie had requested a Variance from the Flood Plain Management Ordinance due to his physical condition. It was noted Mr. McKenzie wished to set up a mobile home and understood he will- not be able to get flood insurance and is willing to take that 4ance; however, according to Federal guidelines, health reasons are not grounds for a Variance. Attorney Morton said, based on information available to the Board, he could not recommend granting the Variance. Carroll said he had problems with it as it was dictating to someone what he could or could not do with his property. Barnes said he agreed with Carroll but felt the Board had to adhere to the requirements of the Flood Plain Management Ordinance. Smith moved the Variance request be denied, on the recommendation of Sam Davis, but the motion died for lack of a second. Carroll said he felt the matter should be investigated more thoroughly and asked Attorney Morton whether or not he had had any contact with the Federal Emergency Management officials, and he said no. Adams moved the matter be referred to Attorney Morton to contact FEMA and make a report back to the Board. Smith seconded the motion and it carried by unanimous vote. Howell noted that no one liked enforcing this Ordinance but it was a requirement. 3. A concession had been requested at Escambia boat ramp and Smith noted this is leased to St. Regis and it should be checked into before a vending concession is granted to anyone. Adams mentioned the possibility of charging for launching and the Board decided the lease should be looked into by Attorney Morton and St. Regis be contacted before any decision was made.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 19:00:01 +0000

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