Regulations are a double edged sword. They are intended to - TopicsExpress


Regulations are a double edged sword. They are intended to preserve or sustain something but usually impede the progress and or operation of who or what entity is required to follow these regs. Ideally, when regulations are applied to an industry, they should have a minimum financial impact on the entity or the economy. But when regulators that propose laws and law makers that approve them did not come from that industry or have any experience in that industry, we get out of balance and just regulate without regard for impact on the industry. (The spotted owl shutting down the logging industry in the north west USA is a good example. The complete over kill on regulating long lines fishing to protect the occasional hooking a turtle is another.). Our particular law makers claim they take their cue from professionals. But the professionals they speak of got all their education in a class room. (Ie some Senators daughter is obsessed with turtles or owls and gets a degree in wildlife and all teh sudden teh entire industry has to change whats its doing so this young college grad wont cry her self to sleep worried a turtle is harmed. Good grief!) NO real life experience in the industry. Everyone is an expert with a badge or degree right? The level of reckless and clueless regulators and law makers makes me wonder how we remain a world super power. It could only be that other countries leaders are worse then ours. Is that even possible? Im speaking primarily about the USA but of coarse it also applies here to American Samoa. We have a good Governor and a much improved cabinet now although I know some would argue that. Cant make everyone happy. The main problem I see here in Am Samoa is corruption at the Senate. I actually had one senator offer to get me votes for a box of donuts. No joke. I refused and made a comment that I was saddened I could buy a senators vote for a donuts. But in hind site, since I didnt get confirmed, maybe I should have kept my mouth shut and bought the damn donuts. The thought of that makes me ill. I could go on and on about that but this post is about regulators proposing laws and law makers passing them with out balancing both sides of the equation towards the impact of the target improvement the law is suppose to hit and the negative impact of that industry along with the economy. As a result, we have mountains of regulations and tough laws with a weak industry and economy while other foreign countries have relaxed regulations and benefit from our stupidity. Makes me wonder if we get all these stupid laws past because the college grads are writing their proposed laws on a box of donuts????
Posted on: Fri, 30 May 2014 20:31:50 +0000

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