Reiki Healing-17/11/2014- SWITCH WORD- Affection- Reiki heals - TopicsExpress


Reiki Healing-17/11/2014- SWITCH WORD- Affection- Reiki heals all requests for harmony and love in marital relationships.Reiki guides partners to connect through prayers and love. Affection is a viral feeling,it immediately transcends relationship with known or unknown to next level.If we are affectionate to any cause,purpose or person ,this means connection is allready established.It only takes prayers and blessings to connect at intimate level.People are hungry of affection but they want to put conditions.Fact is affection is unconditional. Reiki Healing-16/11/2014...SWITCH WORD---Ecstasy---- Reiki heals all requests for miraculous financial gain and a life style dedicated to service,Reiki divinely guides and protects 3 patients in coma and life threatening situations. SWITCH WORD----- Ecstasy---- Anyone and everyone sometime or other experienced ecstasy,these are the moment which are treasure for life.We believe that this is a temporary state of happiness and contentment which can not remain forever.Which is wrong,as life can be ecstatic throughout without any ,,,, or full stop,If we choose to do so.It is absolutely our choice how should we respond to a situation.We may fall in ditch of depression and we may rise to height of ecstasy, we take a situation as debacle or we take a situation as a challange.If we take it as challange,every moment we spend in effort to overcome is divine.If we choose to pray instead of worrying and choose to visualize desired end rather than shrinking in fear,we are sure to be ecstatic.So ecstasy is attitude,it is state of mind and it can be endless in life time and beyond it..provided we choose to feel and live the exciting event ,known as LIFE.. Reiki Healing-15/11/2014----SWITCH WORD- Reiki- Reiki heals all seekers,struggling for life and death,patients in COMA,one patient in need of legal protection and well being to those who need healing in all aspects of life..Thank u,Thank u,Thank u Dr Usui,Thank u Sensei..Thank u all.. Reiki is Life Energy,the Energy you feel in body and around..within and without,rediscovered by a Professional Medicine Professor Dr Usui after meditating 21 Days in response to find question by a student-[Can We too heal like Jesus,who healed by Touch or Look..?]...Reiki can be attuned and you can attune yourself is absolutely obvious,many many saints and human have healing touch and they are self attuned,It is for you to know whether you are self attuned or you need to be attuned- Reiki responds as per spiritual state of seekers,either he/she is self attuned or Sensei appears,many are attuned in dream.. My Gratitude note to All Reiki Seekers- All those who seek Reiki either wants it free or wish to pay something..both are most welcome- There is no distinction between those who pay and those who can not or do not want to pay for healing they receive. As Air-Water and Life is free to all.Please feel free to inbox me ,Ill reply as n when I come across your massage. I just request you to state clearly in your signed request massage , Whether you want Reiki for Free or you need to pay for Time given to convey you Reiki? Are you interested in attunement and learning Reiki? Are you just Curious? Please just please do not ask futile questions,state your problem or issue as you are taking the healing time of patients ,who are in dire need? Avoid asking healing on others behalf unless those people are unable to write there own signed request? Miracle happens when you feel Miracle...Reiki helps you in feeling and experiencing Miracle... So whenever you need healing and feel like healing needed,never approach anyone till in heart of your heart you are not sure that you are going to right healer.. When you connect to me, I am in gratitude for opportunity to convey you healing,which is blessings of my Senseis at every step....I am absolutely comfortable ,if I receive right is your circumstances..your attitude whether you pay fees or choose your path... SWITCH WORD-THE MANTRA MAGIC-Ultimate Key to all Miracles Release Date-18th December 2014 Link to book page... amazon/dp/B00PIB7JZA Presenting the forward first time for your preview- The Beginning- Achieving inner silence is key to all Miracles. This book takes you to 108 day happy Journey within your soul. Goal of life is to be happy, to be in everlasting bliss independent of people, place or things. Switch Words or MANTRA, as they will be practiced in following pages are capable to take you to- Ultimate Bliss Ultimate Success Ultimate relationships And ultimate Destination, which is final and after that you are not dependant on circumstances to be happy. You will love all and be loved by all. We must be grateful to all the sages of past and present who have made it possible for us and who meditated nonstop for years to provide us with Key to all Miracles. Even Today souls like Mahavtar Baba, Shri Hanuman, Jesus, Shri Dattatraya and others whom we do not recognize are invisibly supporting us all to achieve what we want to achieve. There is only one way to read and apply this book for success. Open any page any time read that page completely and then read it for 7 days continuously before you move forward. This is neither a story nor a how to do book, this is your soul, evolving page by page for your wellbeing. Those who are suffering of unbearable physical, mental, emotional, material pain must open and see this as and when they feel like. Read this to them and healing is guaranteed. Let us begin to explore-Love ..Light and Reiki to all.... To my Dear Readers,Friends,Reiki seeker friends..Kindly find all my book links on amazon through following link.. amazon/ANIRUDH-DHODAPKAR/e/B00N5JJIUQ
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 05:18:34 +0000

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