Reincarnation, Recognising An Old Soul.............INTERESTING - TopicsExpress


Reincarnation, Recognising An Old Soul.............INTERESTING READING..........REINCARNATION WAS ALSO REQUESTED IN THE WEEK, AND VARIOUS QUESTIONS ABOUT THE SUBJECT.............Do you have the ability to recognize an old soul? By this I mean a soul who has traveled to earth many times and experienced many lives. I am extremely lucky in this respect as my wife, Vivian, is such a person. She was born a medium and clairvoyant and has experienced many things in her life that we less traveled souls often consider strange or miraculous and when she asks the spirit world for help they listen and can cause miracles to happen. One such miracle happened when Vivian acted as the birthing partner for our daughter Sheryl at the birth of our grandson. The birth did not go according to plan and our grandson was stillborn. He had died in the womb after having no heartbeat for ten minutes. As soon as he was born the staff took him to the resuscitation room and started to work on him. My wife however was not worried for one minute, even when the doctor told us that babies don’t survive after this length of time, but if they did they would be badly disabled because of oxygen deprivation. For a further twenty minutes after his birth the medical team tried to resuscitate him then suddenly he started to breathe for himself. He was rushed to the babies’ special care unit, where tests showed that he indeed had suffered severe brain damage. But joyfully, he was alive. My wife however, calmly announced that he would be fine and that he had been brought back at her request. She had confidence in her spirit friends! The hospital staff members were amazed at his progress and called him a little miracle. At four months of age he was scanned again and his brain was proven to be completely normal. Now he is developing into a beautiful little boy with the brightest smile you have ever seen. This is just one example of the way unusual things happen around Vivian. She has such a calm personality and focuses on helping other people to achieve the best that they can. You may also have someone special in your life. Someone you may recognize as being different and in touch with the world in a special way. Old souls are highly advanced and I believe, very rare. They are rewarding to work with and are usually placed here on earth as incarnated guides. Advanced souls usually go about their tasks in a quiet and unassuming manner helping people to achieve fulfillment in their own lives. These souls have exceptional insight and are calm in the face of adversity. They create calmness around themselves and can raise another person’s consciousness just by talking to them or even just by being with them. They may often disregard their own physical needs. Older souls are recognized by their serene nature and often, penetrating or searching eyes that are able to see into your soul. When these individuals are regressed under hypnotherapy you may find that they have been returning to earth for eons and so have lived many lives. Normally our souls reincarnate to experience life. When we are on the other side everything is very simple. We can experience another individual’s feelings just as we can feel the emotion of a living person. It is like playing a film with the ability to jump into the bodies of the actors and experience their feelings at that moment. This gives us a better insight into human emotions and many of us decide to experience this for ourselves, so we agree to come back to earth in a new body to experience new feelings. Life on the other side is full of brightness and love. Fear does not exist nor hunger, want or need. Our emotions are based on love and happiness. The people with old souls remember this feeling and know for certain that there is nothing to fear on earth for they have been here many times, suffered many things and died many deaths, always to return safely to that spirit state. When a soul remembers this, what else is there to fear? An old soul looks upon death as a natural progression that brings a person home and not as a deep loss or the end of everything. Sometimes this outlook is misunderstood by us younger souls on earth, as we do not yet have the ability to remember a time without fear, need and want. Old souls are content with helping others rather than trying to make a place for themselves in this life. They give out love and are happy if this is returned to them. Children can easily identify with an old soul and immediately feel at home in their presence. The same applies to animals, as these innocent souls are still connected to the afterlife in a strong way. I hope that you have an old soul in your own life, but if not, I am sure you will recognize one if you are lucky enough to cross their path.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 11:42:56 +0000

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