Reincarnation in Christianity, Judaism and Islam Christianity, - TopicsExpress


Reincarnation in Christianity, Judaism and Islam Christianity, like almost every known religion before it, originally maintained the doctrine of an immortal soul that reincarnates through many lifetimes and bodies. The entire Egyptian religion was based on the consciousnesses journey after death and between material existences. However, over time the idea of reincarnation has been purposely omitted and suppressed by the leaders of modern religions (i.e. the Brotherhood).“In 553 AD, the belief in reincarnation was outlawed at the Second Synod Council of Constantinople under the influence of the Emperor Justinian. The council decided, without the attendance of the Pope, that: ‘If anyone assert the fabulous preexistence of souls and shall submit to the monstrous doctrine that follows from it, let him be... excommunicated’. The ‘monstrous doctrine’ was that we live forever on an eternal journey of evolution through experience and we are all responsible for our actions in this physical life or a future one. An acceptance of reincarnation took away the power of the heaven or hell mob to frighten people into doing as they, sorry, ‘God’, said. The knowledge continued to be sucked from the public domain. After Constantine the Great, came other emperors who influenced the course of the fast emerging Christian creed … Anyone who strayed even marginally from the official beliefs was brutally executed and their documents destroyed – exactly the Nimrod doctrine of Babylon. This is not just a bunch of power crazed psychopaths, ad-libbing their way through this grotesque slaughter, it was a coldly calculated plan to rule by terror … they wanted to create a mental and emotional prison cell, outside of which it was fatal to tread.”“Orthodox Christians also thought the theory of reincarnation minimized the role of Jesus Christ, downplayed the necessity for salvation in this lifetime, and diminished the unique nature of Christs resurrection. A persons salvation, in orthodox eyes, depends not upon self-determination and free will, as Origens theories suggest, but only upon embracing Jesus Christ. Furthermore, if a person could choose to reunite with God in any one of many lifetimes, then there would be little fear of eternal damnation - and fear was deemed essential by the orthodox. Origens idea that the soul is separable from the body also seemed to diminish the extraordinary nature of Christs resurrection. The miracle of Christs resurrection was understood to offer the possibility of overcoming physical death. If, however, each soul periodically overcomes death by separating from one body and entering into another, then Jesuss feat would not have been unique … Although Origen died in 284, debate over his theories continued until 553 when he was officially anathematized, or cursed, by the Second Council of Constantinople. In condemning Origen, the Church indirectly dealt with the issue of reincarnation. Christians were not to believe in the pre-existence of souls, the existence of discarnate consciousness, or that a person has any more than this one lifetime to turn to the Christian God without being subject to eternal damnation.” In other words, it took nearly 300 years of disinformation, propaganda, and legislation, but eventually the Church was able to take reincarnation completely out of Christianity. Priests replaced your immortal soul’s journey with the notion of heaven/hell and an omniscient decider God who judges your life’s merit. If and only if you accept Jesus as your personal savior may you ascend to heaven. Otherwise you will be damned to hell’s eternal pits of fire with all the other heathens and heretics.“And what goes for Christianity goes for Judaism, Islam and all the rest. These religions were created by the same force to achieve the same effect and, therefore, the savior-god myths throughout the ancient world have an identical game plan: 1 You are born with original sin and so you are an unworthy piece of shit from the day you arrive on the planet. 2 You can only be saved by believing in the ‘Savior’ and that means doing what the priesthood tell you to do. 3 If you don’t do that, you will be condemned to the bowels of hell forever … The whole thing was a set up to create yet another religion to entrap the human mind, and the hierarchy of the Christian Church today know all this! The Church elite have always known this because they are part of the secret society stream which created the myth called Christianity.”“We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes.”Judaism, Christianity, and Islam were all created and remain controlled by the Brotherhood. Jews read the Old Testament but not the New, Christians read the whole Bible but not the Koran, and Muslims read all of the above. Muslims accept Jesus but they believe Mohammed was the last prophet and thus his message the most valid. Christians accept Jesus but they believe Mohammed was a false prophet. Jews reject both Jesus and Mohammed, but are still waiting for their prophet. Throughout these three religions the Brotherhood has promoted the idea that a divine messiah will one day come to be King of the world and bring lasting peace to Earth. The Gnostic interpretation of Revelations and the apocalypse, however, refers not to some dreadful end of the world scenario, but rather to the end of your physical lifetime and your souls continuation into the non-physical realms.“Muslims see Islam as an updated continuation of the Judeo-Christian stream and they, too, have bought the idea that Moses, King David and Jesus were divine prophets sent by the one All Mighty God, when in fact all three are Brotherhood inventions. Their holy book, the Koran, which was supposed to be inspired by God, mentions Jesus in 93 verses and treats him as a living person. Islam was created by the same Brotherhood networks as the Christian religions, to further imprison, divide and rule. Mohammed was the last prophet and therefore, the Muslims reckon, the most valid. As such, all Christians and Jews should convert to Islam, the orthodox Muslims demand. The term, Jihad, is the ‘Holy War’ that Muslims are urged to wage against all who do not accept the creed of Mohammed. How fitting that Islam means ‘to submit or surrender’ and Muslim means ‘one who submits’. Some of the bloodiest conflict in history has resulted from the desire of Islam, Christianity and Judaism to impose their creed on each other, when they all come from the same source and the same manipulation! Excuse me, did I come in late and miss something? Beam me up Scotty, get me out of here... The Islamic god Allah is the same ‘god’, the Muslims say, as the Judeo-Christian, Jehovah. The Koran is the Islamic holy book, but Muslims also give credence to the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Old Testament attributed to Moses. In truth they were written by the Levites after Babylon and not by ‘Moses’, which was a title in the Egyptian mystery schools. Is it really a coincidence that these three massive prisons of the mind, suppressors of the female, and creators of bloody conflict, should all come from the same part of the world? Islam is not the opposite of Christianity and Judaism, they are all ‘oppo-sames’: the same state of mind with a different name, ultimately controlled by the same people … Today, part of the Brotherhood Agenda is to stimulate conflict with the Islamic nations by causing division between the Muslim and Christian-Jewish world.” “In order to determine the framework upon which the Christian conspirators hung their myths, in fact, we will need to turn to that ancient body of knowledge which in almost every culture has been considered sacred and which the priests have wished to keep to themselves: the science of astrology. The Christian masses, of course, are repeatedly taught to reject all forms of ‘astrology’ or ‘star-gazing’ as the ‘work of the Devil,’ and any number of biblical texts are held up to assert that astrology is an ‘evil’ to be avoided at all costs. This animosity towards studying the heavenly bodies and their interrelationships is in reality propaganda designed to prevent people from finding out the truth about the Bible. Despite its outward vilification by the clergy, astrology has also been used by countless kings and heads of state privy to the astrological, as opposed to literal, nature of the Bible. Not being thus privy, biblical literalists claim that everything in the Bible occurred literally and factually upon the earth, including the talking snake, Noah’s ark, the parting of the Red Sea, the raising of the dead and numerous other incredible miracles that apparently occurred only to the biblical people at that time in that part of the world. The miraculous and implausible exploits of other cultures, however, are to be tossed aside as being unhistorical, mythological and downright ridiculous.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 18:15:25 +0000

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