Rejection Do you suffer from fear of rejection? Can I share my - TopicsExpress


Rejection Do you suffer from fear of rejection? Can I share my story with you? May I be vulnerable without judgement or pity? I don’t need or want pity. A month ago, someone called me to ask for a favor. I kindly said no because I knew the reason they had asked. The motives behind it. Their response to me was mean and uncalled for. They screamed and hollered at me, they told me to never call them again. Never. What was my response to that rejection? I mean, here, someone from my family acting like this, as if it was my fault for saying no to a favor. I have my reasons and I believe it’s a valid one! I hung up the phone.. I didn’t cry. I didn’t have tears. I didn’t let it ruin my peace or choke my joy. I simply moved on asking God to continue to work in their heart as I wait for their call one day or perhaps I’ll call them. At that moment, peace washed over me… And I was simply reminded of a scripture, “But now, this is what the LORD says-he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1 Now, if I was not led of the spirit I would have been broken and crushed. I would have been a huge mess. Of course, I love and honor people in my family, nonetheless they will disappoint me because they are human, but they are not my everything. I look to God as my identity. My source. My rock. When rejection hits me with a ton of bricks, I’m reminded of my heavenly father’s love. I praise God that I also have spiritual moms and dads who are my family. When will we all get to the point where we only look to Christ rather than other beings or things as our identity? We will all face rejection, but if your foundation is not rooted in Christ, you will sink. You will drown in your emotions. If you are rooted in Christ, rejection won’t phase you because His love will rule your heart. I share my vulnerability not to get pity or to say that I’m better, but to show you how God is working in my life. And to show you how liberating it is when we only look to God for approval and love and not man. In His Love
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 11:36:19 +0000

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