Rejection For those who have lived through domestic abuse, - TopicsExpress


Rejection For those who have lived through domestic abuse, learning to separate love from fear is a hard concept. Trust, insecurities, boundaries and betrayal seem to crash into each other, leaving a shattered mix of broken dreams. Living through violence, being belittled, isolated, insulted, and having our hopes constantly built up then crushed, becomes the sad normal for those trapped in abuse. Emotions, logic, and hope collide into one concept - SURVIVAL. All the abusive words of the past take a toll on self-esteem and magnify an already insecure heart. Words that have been pounded, yelled, lectured, and repeated by one who was supposed to love and protect.... Wish you were smarter. Youll never amount to anything You look ugly in that Youre a lousy excuse for a mother and a wife.... worthless Wish you looked different You cant make people love you You’re stupid You are property Lie there and die God can never use you I dont want you Why cant you look as pretty as her? Words and actions mixed with control inflict deep, perpetual wounds on a soul. Insecurity looms like an ocean wall of waves, waiting to crash down and suffocate you in a sea of rejection. Yet, WE MUST HOPE in God. Recognize that this is another area of healing that the LORD is graciously showing to us. Believe that GOD will bring 100% healing and that is why He is bringing these memories to light. You see, healing is a journey. One damaged emotion at a time. God longs to make us whole in all areas of our hearts. He doesn’t leave a job half done. If you are suffering from a fear of REJECTION and INSECURITY, please pray with me… “JESUS, I confess that I am wounded deeply by rejection. I fear rejection. I am insecure in believing that I am worthy of safe relationships and love. I surrender this rejection and insecurity to you. Jesus, drive out the wounds of the past. Help me to recognize the trap of dwelling on negative thoughts. In faith, Jesus, I believe that you long to heal me. I CAST those thoughts down and command them to become SUBJECT to the obedience of CHRIST. I REFUSE to dwell on past words and CHOSE to DWELL ON JESUS. For You are my healer. You, JESUS, are my HOPE. I will put my trust in the words that YOU say about me. I will think on things that are holy, lovely, righteous, good, gentle, and pure. For YOU, GOD, are my praise. I will be DEFINED by your WORDS that you call me. I will NOT be defined by the past. I claim the following over my life…. “I am healed” “I am a child of God” “I am royalty” “I am a jewel in the crown of Christ” “I am worth dying for” “I am loved” “I am a vessel of honor” “I am made righteous” “I am protected” “I am sanctified” “I am Spirit filled” “I am saved” “I am worth fighting for” “I am strong, for JESUS is my strength” “I am wise, for GOD gives me knowledge” “I am pure, for YOU give ME INNOCENCE” “I am sheltered under Your wing” “I am engraved in the palm of Your hand” “I am an OVERCOMER” “I am MORE than a CONQUEROR” “I AM not alone!” JESUS, you promise to CRUSH Satan under MY feet and I claim that promise NOW. Rejection, the LORD rebuke you. You are defeated. Insecurities, the LORD rebuke you, YOU will fade away. There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love. 1 John 4:18 (ESV) – I am perfected in LOVE. In Jesus’ holy name. Amen. YOU are a treasure. You are wanted, needed and loved. Never give up on healing. Never give up on God!! By Donna Wright © 2014 There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus Romans 8:1-39 ESV Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. James 5:16 ESV
Posted on: Thu, 01 May 2014 01:21:56 +0000

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