“Rejoice that your name is written in heaven” (Lk - TopicsExpress


“Rejoice that your name is written in heaven” (Lk 10:20) Jesus sent to his disciples out with authority to bring peace and heal the people of all evils. However, they were more excited over the experience of casting out demons (Lk 10:17) and forgot the prime motive behind such miracles. That is why Jesus tells them instead to delight over heavenly things. It also upholds his teachings: Strive first for the kingdom of God…. And all these things will be given to you” Does this call for a reality check today? We know that we are to live according to the word of God and do his will to be eligible for eternal life. But do we carry away by our own achievements and by our ‘good works’? Do we proclaim that we are doing the Lord’s work, yet to forget to love God and neighbour, and thus stray far from the direction of heaven? God the father handed over all peoples and all authority to Jesus . Jesus desires that everyone should receive the Good News, believe in him and enter eternal life. He assures us that he will not only judge us but lead us to heaven. Those who gain entry into the kingdom of heaven are they who trust in Christ and wash their robes in the blood of the Lamb. FRUIT: Let me strive to remain in Jesus’ love and through him get my name written in the book of life.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 06:54:06 +0000

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