Rejoinder: ‘Southern Kaduna Elders Are Not Stumbling - TopicsExpress


Rejoinder: ‘Southern Kaduna Elders Are Not Stumbling Block’ My brief take yesterday precipitate tongue-wagging underground and exchanges. One of our elite disagreed and insisted that present generation comprising those born in the 1960s, 1970s and early 1980s are basic stumbling block to unity and breakthrough of Southern Kaduna in challenges related to the area’s socio-economic and political development. According to him, indiscipline, inpatient, laziness, greed and quest for materialism and also betraying core sensitive interests of Southern Kaduna are largely advanced by the same young ‘generations’. He went further to say that except from 1999 to 2003 when Southern Kaduna had elderly commissioners (James Bawa Kufana, Col. Paul Zakka Wyoms, Reuben Jackson, Baba Usman, Usman Baba etc) the trend, he said since 2003 to date have changed with young ones dominating executive cabinet of the state…he asked me to study age grades of Southern Kaduna commissioners that served Makarfi (2003 to 2007) Sambo (2007-2010) Yakowa (2010-2012) and now Governor Yero. He argued that except for Senators Zego Azeez and late Balat, the two senators that came after them are all born of 1960 and 1966…that I should research eight years of Azeez and Balat and compare it with seven years of Caleb Zagi and Senator Nenadi Usman… On the Ministers Southern Kaduna produced since 1999 to date, he agreed that old ‘generations’ dominated the scene but I should also study the glorious months of Balat and years of Garba Madaki Ali and what happened afterwards… He agreed with me that except James Bawa Magaji who became Deputy Governor at 32, the rest were indeed gerentocrats, Shekari became Deputy Governor at 51 while Makarfi was 43…Yakowa at 55 to Makarfi and same Yakowa at 59 to Sambo who was 53…and Bajoga who was 63 to Yero’s 44 as at 2013… He challenged me that since 1999 to date all Southern Kaduna representatives in Kaduna State House of Assembly and House of Representatives are young men and women and all university graduates but with poor representation and lowering esteem of Southern Kaduna peoples….highlighting that in the House of Representatives only two are first comers but the rest have been there previously with nothing to show… He asked me a question in the course of our conversation, “Can you compare how Mrs. Florence Aya represented us and what is obtainable now? “Most of you refused to school or learn hand-work but embrace politics as occupation, kuna ta hade-hade da gulmace-gulmace a gari, you thought we don’t know? You always went to newspapers and radio and abuse us as failures, is that right? We are not failures, what we gave you, we pray you can be godly and moral enough to give your children. Baba argued that all councilors and local government chairmen since 1999 are young men and women…and that we are selfishly sparing them and accusing them without basis…blablabla… He concluded that young generation must justify discipline, respect, leadership qualities and sound engagements contrary to present trend of peddling political gossips, open confrontation, petit and unproductive politicking and many more… On that note the conversation ended with him saying, “We have not in any way dominated any generations, ku je ku gyara halinku.” Baba kenan…
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 15:32:43 +0000

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