Rejoinder to Carren Cherotich Kikis insults on slum dwellers By - TopicsExpress


Rejoinder to Carren Cherotich Kikis insults on slum dwellers By Albert Nyakundi Amenya Sincerely, it is undeserving for me to reply to statements made by academic dwarfs like the aforementioned girl, albeit I feel compelled to defend my fellow slum dwellers as their official spokesman. I want to address, advice, and caution a Joy rider and a politically voluptuous strumpet known as Cherotich Carren Kiki. Immediately after Steve Kariuki was announced Member of Parliament for Mathare, this exemplar of a woman nondescriptly went ahead to spew verbally by saying that people who voted him in – slum dwellers – are below those who eat rats and lives in caves. Today I will give her a dosage of her lifetime. This lady is where she is today, thanks to the junction that borders her legs. For those who do not know her, this girl is a political social climber. I detest those who sleep their ways to the offices that they currently hold. To my better understanding, Kiki is a name for dolls and she really behaves like one. Sincerely, this Kiki or whatever she calls herself is absolutely classless. She is a temporary imposter among the classy and she countenances that fact too. In fact, she is caught up between her stomach infrastructure and her consciousness. If this Jezebel has the pregnant temerity and guts to insult the underprivileged notwithstanding the fact that they are also humans, what clemency does she hold for her brothers and sisters who live in thatched houses back in Rift Valley? Cherotich’s malfeasance towards the senior citizens, who live in slums, must not go unpunished. I would like to remind Kiki that being Sakaja’s or whoever’s PA is nothing extraordinary. For your information, a personal assistant is just a professional messenger and nothing else. You are just a Facebook celebrity and nothing more than that. Someone should tell this “rich” girl that we, the slum dwellers are the owners of this country. I know for a fact that Carren is unlettered and whatever I write here might be conundrum for her to comprehend. However, she must know the reason why fish live in water yet they don’t catch pneumonia. My six dollar question to this senior spinster is, you are already in your late forties yet you are not married, UTAOLEWA LINI? This is what this hon. Lady posted in reaction to a comment by her brother: “Lee Makwiny taunts Kalenjins about winning any seat in Nairobi, my message to him is clear, Kalenjins dont live in slums, theyd rather eat rats in the cave than be slum dwellers , hence we dont have that slum population to win any elective seat in Nairobi..yes our pride cant allow..... mashamba ni mingi sana Rift!Today” Someone should tell Kiki that Kalenjins in Nairobi are countable. Statistically, in Nairobi there are approximately 15 Kalenjins per square Kilometer. Out of the 15, it is likeliest that 4 are police are accent stricken police officers, 5 are pathetic Swahili and English speakers army officers who were flooded by retired President Mzee Moi. It is possible that 3 of the remaining Kalenjins are government employees. The remaining two are in a short-term holiday visiting to their police and army relatives living in Nairobi. When Carren abuses us because we live in slums, we are only obligated to remind her of J. Paul Getty’s words of caution that If you can actually count your money then you are not a rich man,Mind your language!! But for Mathare loss, ACCEPT AND MOVE ON.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 18:59:21 +0000

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