Relations between India and Pakistan have been complex due to a - TopicsExpress


Relations between India and Pakistan have been complex due to a number of historical and political events. Relations between the two states have been defined by the violent partition of British India in 1947, the Kashmir dispute and the numerous military conflicts fought between the two nations. Consequently even though the two South Asian nations share linguistic , cultural, geographic, and economic links, their relationship has been plagued by unresolved Kashmir dispute. Since the last 65 years the hostality of the two countries have made kashmir valley a land of graves & attrocities. Kashmir has been a sore point in India-Pakistan relations ever since independence from Britain in 1947, with each country controlling part of the scenic mountain territory but claiming all of it. There have been numerous attempts to improve the relationship notably, the Shimla summit , the Agra summit and the Lahore summit . Since the early 1980s, relations between the two nations soured particularly after the Siachen conflict, the intensification of Kashmir insurgency in 1989, Indian and Pakistani nuclear tests in 1998 and the 1999 Kargil war . Certain confidence-building measures such as the 2003 ceasefire agreement and the Delhi–Lahore Bus service were successful in deescalating tensions. However the core issue of kashmir remained unresolved and it is the main source of unrest in south Asia. The two countries have been spending billions of dollars in defence budgets to show supremacy over each other, one calls kashmir as its integral part and other as its jagular vein, but they are not sincere towrads the plight of kashmiri people. Once kashmir issue is resolved, all other issues will fall in line and the huge money they are spending on military budget can be used to irridicate poverty, unemployment, dissease in both countries. Both countries must show flexiblity and more away from their maximalist approach, give peace a chance and resolve kashmir dispute in line with the wishes and aspirations of kashmiri people. Peace and stablity can be gauranteed in south Asia only by resolving this diapute once and for all.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 23:03:19 +0000

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