Relations with the rest of the UK in the event of a Yes Vote. - TopicsExpress


Relations with the rest of the UK in the event of a Yes Vote. One thing which puzzles me is why there is an implied threat that relationship of an Independent Scotland with the rest of the UK would be difficult - exemplified by various scare stories about passports and border guards. If there is one country in the world that has experience of handing back sovereignty to nations it once ruled, it is the UK. The handover of sovereignty to the former constituents of the British Empire was done, on the whole, remarkably well and paid dividends to the UK from a trading, economic and world status position. Why on earth would it not be in the interests of both Scotland and the rest of the UK to have positive and close links? Take an even more difficult example: Ireland. Despite the fact that the Republic of Ireland lay claim to the six counties governed by the UK as Northern Ireland, relations with Ireland were positive. Trading was strong, economic links were strong (for many years the Irish pound was pegged to Sterling) and political links were strong. Oh, and the border was open between the Republic and the UK. If there is a Yes vote, it is my contention that for the rest of the UK to behave in a difficult manner to a newly Independent Scotland would be both damaging to its own economy and status and be viewed negatively by the rest of the Commonwealth. I just dont believe that would happen. Too much is at stake for both. If it were to happen then it would be a symptom of the growing influence of UKIP and would be part of a UK withdrawal from Europe. In which case, voting Yes would have been the right thing to do. I happen to think that the UK and an Independent Scotland would have close and positive relations at all levels - for the good of both and recognising the individuality of the two nations as well as celebrating their similarities.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 13:09:30 +0000

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