Relationship and Marriage. The Fear of Commitment. 1. - TopicsExpress


Relationship and Marriage. The Fear of Commitment. 1. Overcome fear of commitment and get the real benefit of relationships. Fear of commitment is like a cruel negative voice inside your head. Its constantly whispering to you about your choices. It might be about your relationship choices. Or it might even be about something as trivial as deciding which restaurant to go to. This fear is the bugbear of decision making in general. Why? Because it constantly ambushes you with a what if? 2. Anxiety about the future and the what if? question. Now at first sight the what if? question looks useful. You are considering your options. Shall I get into a long term relationship with this person?, for example. Thats a very big question, which will have a major impact on your life. It is only sensible to think through the implications of your choice. What if it doesnt work out? What if I meet someone else? But were talking of a much more serious risk. 3. How you can get trapped by your worries about what will happen. You see, undue anxiety about how things will turn out actually locks you into an unending series of what if? dilemmas. Whatever decisions you make in life, trivial or serious, there are always consequences you cannot possibly foresee, no matter how carefully you examine your options. You want to be sure, before you make your decision, that it is the right one. Thats understandable, of course, but actually, its simply impossible. 4. Overcoming fear and making good decisions. What is possible is to make the best decision that you can, having informed yourself as well as you can about the implications. When you are clear about the outcome you prefer, and what it will take to make that outcome more likely, you can go ahead and get on with your chosen course of action. So making good decisions is really about being able to relax with uncertainty, with not being in control of absolutely everything. And overcoming fear of pledging yourself to a relationship, conquering that fear of commitment - or indeed any other major decision - will actually free you up to really make the most of the opportunities that life presents. (From Peter Shepherds Work on Relationship)
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 22:44:56 +0000

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