Relationships. My relationship goals arent that hard. I want - TopicsExpress


Relationships. My relationship goals arent that hard. I want someone who isnt ashamed for me to be theirs. I dont need to be taken out on fancy dates, dont need to be catered too. I am a very independent person. I can fend for myself, and I want my other to be the same. I am not going to cater to your every need. Dont get me wrong I can cook, do dishes, do laundry, and clean. But I want my other half to at least be able to good easy meals like eggs, I dont need a gourmet chef in my life. But I wont be your servant, the only way is if you were sick. Ive taken care of my mom numerous times when she was sick, and after her hernia surgeries. I want a person were we can discuss future goals together, Im not saying marriage and babies. But a possible future together. Discuss our future goals and talk about what we both want for ourselves. Because if you cant be happy with your relationship, then there is no relationship. I dont want to waste my time on a short term relationship. I want someone who can be there for me and invested in me as much as I am to them. Where I dont feel the need to look perfect every second I see you. I want to be able to look like shit, and you not care, I dont care if youre like babe you look like shit today. I can take jokes just know Ill probably say it back to you. I dont need cute good morning and good night texts, i can deal with a simple hey wake up, Im bored, or wake the hell up already, I want to be able to be sarcastic with you and joke around. Where my idea of a cute date, is us on the couch ordering dominos or something. Im not high maintenance, I can deal with that. I dont need one of those people who are whipped and buy me things while Im on my period. Someone who understands my sarcasm, and humor. I want to have fights. To see if our relationship is worth having, not in the sense where we are fighting everyday. I want someone who I can be myself around. And they can be their self around me. Where for that one time I start to fall youre there to be my crutch and help me back up, and I would do the same back. Like I get that seems like a lot. But all I really want is some one to be loyal, trustworthy, and have communication. Sorry for my rant. Im just tired of being misunderstood.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 06:56:32 +0000

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