Relationships are funny things are they not? You go into them, - TopicsExpress


Relationships are funny things are they not? You go into them, heart filled with excitement, you cannot believe how wonderful they are. Then you notice little things, things that do not add up Things that do not make sense, you do not understand but let them pass by as you know we all make mistakes Then comes the day you realise that all those lite things were actually big fat warning signs! Down right lied to me 1.the engineer who came to inspect my house was not after an engineer but a sales person and has no clue how the connections work, even though he promised that I would have 2 lines and broadband in office and house and for this purpose waited extra long and eagerly with anticipation for virgin fibre optics 2.engineers turned up, no, no, no they said, this would need 2 orders we only have one and it las takes 2 engineers 3.fortunately I had BT wireless extender so have had to use that. Not great and wifi does not work all the way The shine is starting to fade, my heart heavy with, this cannot be happening again 4. Never mind Amor ( yes an apt name for someone who loves signing you up but clearly not the follow up commitment bit. ( no sniggers please) promised he was THE man 5 calls later and at 12.30 am telephone rang it was his number and now the static of energy between us was so electric. My phone line is dead 5 Upon calling Virgin today I was slightly bemused to find I was speaking to a call centre in India, Paul from Virgin promised that there were no call centres there and I only would ever speak to people in UK or after hours Philipines ( I love India and I love the people, BT call centres have made me more than slightly phobic , yes I know I should let that go, however I have more important stuff to deal with than Indian call centres, or maybe not) Any hoo the lovely girl did not understand my strong accent(!!!) and put me through to someone else and this went on and on and after repeating my account number so many times it is etched in my brain ( another useless memory I do not need) So hopefully Thursday will see my landline sorted and Friday will see if my broadband sorted Ah to wistfully restore my faith in relationships Virgin Media are you man enough for the job at stake. I only wish for transparency, open communication and an easy flow of energy THANKyou
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 12:36:37 +0000

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