Relatives of victims still demand Park’s answer // 세월호 - TopicsExpress


Relatives of victims still demand Park’s answer // 세월호 유가족, 박근혜대통령과의 면담요구 With the legislation of the special Sewol law going nowhere, the bereaved families of the sunken ferry’s victims held a sit-in protest in front of the Blue House over the weekend, demanding a meeting with President Park Geun-hye to seek a breakthrough in the months-long stalemate. The distraught families began the protest near Hyoja-dong community center, about 500 meters away from the presidential office, on Friday after Kim Young-oh, the father of a victim, was taken to a hospital after 40 days of a hunger strike. The relatives called for the passage of the Sewol law supported by the families and a meeting with President Park but were blocked by a line of police vehicles and officials from reaching the Blue House.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 09:26:34 +0000

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