Relax! Dance in the sun while you are! Sing a song! IT IS - TopicsExpress


Relax! Dance in the sun while you are! Sing a song! IT IS BEAUTIFUL TO BE, AND IT IS ALSO BEAUTIFUL NOT TO BE. When the wave rises, good. For a moment enjoy the sky, the air, the wind, the sun, the rain. And when the wave disappears, good; go into deep rest. NOTHING IS EVER BORN AND NOTHING EVER DIES. Things only move between manifestation and unmanifestation -- they become visible, they become invisible. To become invisible is a resting place. Just as after each day you need deep sleep in the night to rejuvenate you, to make you again young and fresh, in the same way after each life you need death. DEATH IS A DEEPER SLEEP AND NOTHING ELSE. After each life your body is so tired, you need a new body, a new manifestation. The old wave disappears, but the water in that wave remains in the ocean; IT WILL COME AGAIN IN A NEW WAVE. The old is continuously becoming new -- allow it. You simply allow life and go with it in deep trust. This is what I call religiousness -- this trust. It is not a belief. Belief is always in dogmas, creeds, theories, philosophies, ideologies. THIS IS NOT BELIEF, THIS IS SIMPLY TRUSTING EXISTENCE. We have come from it, it is our source. We are not outsiders, we are insiders. And we will go back to the source -- it is our source. Coming out of it is good, going back into it is good. ALL IS GOOD! To feel it, brings rejoicing -- all is good. Thats the meaning of trusting in God: that all is good. OSHO I Am That Ch #16: It is already the best am in Buddha Hall
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 06:38:01 +0000

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