Release the bitterness in order to receive the blessing! Have you - TopicsExpress


Release the bitterness in order to receive the blessing! Have you been stolen from, lied to, abused, cheated on etc? You are so justified to feel all those negative emotions you have right now.... but guess what, thats going to be your only compensation. Ive tasted from all of the above and the only time I was avenged was when I exchanged my bitterness with forgiveness! Forgiving someone doesnt mean condoning their actions, its simply acknowledging that making someone pay for what they did to you is not your job. You will spend your entire life trying to get an apology or making them feel what you felt while getting your hands and spirit corrupted. When Jesus is given free reign to fix the situation without your interference, you gain so much more than you ever bargained for. My year is ending with me seeing all that was stolen from me brought back with enough to share.... I thank the Lord for spiritual maturity because without it, Id be dealing with situations in the flesh and getting only fleshy results which are usually temporary. When Jesus blesses us, Its permanent.... Never feel justified to hate or hurt back, you only do yourself harm in the end. In all your getting, get Godly wisdom
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 11:49:14 +0000

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