Relentless Momentum - More random thoughts. Stress - Pressure - - TopicsExpress


Relentless Momentum - More random thoughts. Stress - Pressure - Outcomes - Perspective - Change It’s really important to put pressure on yourself. Yet you’ve always got to be in a position where you can control the outcome. There’s no point in putting pressure on yourself where it’s going to make you miserable or a worse person or a bad operator or a bad trainer or a broken down person because it’s unrealistic pressure. So I thrive under pressure. I don’t do stress. People say ‘oh it must be really stressful what you do’ and I’m well, stressful is when it’s not enjoyable, and I always enjoy it, I even enjoy the pressure, I enjoy the challenge. I have noticed that successful people see problems as challenges in disguise, therefore they put the pressure on themselves, to find an answer, to find a way and then move on. So I think everything’s got to be solution-based, whether you’re looking at your work, your life, your training program, your relationship, whatever, you’ve got to have a solution. There’s no point just complaining and whinging. I run into miserable people every day, and I find it difficult when I say to someone hey, how’s things? And they sadly retort, oh, not bad. And I’m like, wow, you have a roof over your head, you’ve got food in your stomach, you’ve got five dollars in your pocket and you’ve got a job, you’re actually in the top five percent of people in the whole wide world, you just don’t know it. You’ve never been fortunate enough to travel and see how amazing this country is, how incredible it is. It’s a different way of looking at things, which I think I’ve really honed it in the last couple of years where I don’t get sick, I don’t have sickies, I don’t do jet lag, I don’t feel depressed, I just refuse it. Even with cold weather, I don’t feel it. I tell myself that, until I don’t feel it. It’s a choice, and I’m really big on that, that being miserable’s a choice, being happy’s a choice, feeling the cold’s a choice, suffering from jet lag’s a choice. I’ve had ten overseas trips this year. People ask, ‘how do you do it, that must be exhausting’, how do I do it? I’m the luckiest bloke in the whole wide world, I’m living my dream! I’m not going to complain about having to deal with jet lag? You get up the next morning and hit the ground running, no matter how bad you feel, you get one day under your belt and everything’s back to normal, you just operate. You know the worst thing you can do is sit around and feel sorry for yourself, ever. And it comes back to what I said before, about worry about what you can do and not what you can’t do. So whether that’s with your training, your employment, your job, if you’re not happy in your life, fix it, do something about it. We get to make choices in this country and there’s a lot of places in the world where people don’t. We say we can’t be bothered going to the gym or this is too hard, or I’ve got a sore wrist, or whatever it is. But if they were from another country, born into another family, they may have a choice like, hey, you’re going to work in that factory for the next fifty years, you get to do twelve hours a day, seven days a week, no sick pay, no holiday pay, and if you do that, you can afford to eat. And that’s your choice for your life. In a lot of places I’ve been fortunate enough to travel too and I’ve been to some horrendous places around the world where I actually go out and seek that sort of thing, just to remind myself and to teach my children. I was in India last year and I saw all these tourist things and I had a beautiful driver, and he said is there anything else you would like to see, and I said ‘I would be really privileged if you would take me deep into a slum’ and people ask me ‘Tony, what the hell would you want to do that for?’ I say because I need that, I need to have a snapshot of that to permanently burn in my head to remind myself never to be miserable, never ever to complain about something small like the weather or what I’m going to get to eat or missing a meal or feeling pressured or stressed. Having an opportunity to work with Arnold Schwarzenegger, to own a world famous gym chain, to have a beautiful wife and family, who the hell am I to complain? I’m getting worse as I get older, I find it really draining, in a way offensive when people complain or are miserable, because you’ve got a choice! There’s a whole lot of people in our world unfortunately, that don’t have a choice, that don’t get to control the outcome. So it’s one of my big sayings in life is ‘control the outcome’. Whatever it is, you’ve got problems or you’ve got a challenge in disguise, or you’ve got a serious issue in your life, then put yourself in a position where you can control the outcome. If you can’t then it’s time to make some changes. Tickets still available for Perth this Saturday, Nov 29th and Gold Coast Dec 6th. tonydoherty/#events
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 09:13:17 +0000

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