Relieved to see that, mostly in NY, many have been charged or at - TopicsExpress


Relieved to see that, mostly in NY, many have been charged or at least have a criminal record now regarding the crimes committed against my son, me & the State, but 1, why are the false-flag prisoners who commandeered the Bnai Brith building now here in WA state menacing me & my friend/roommate? And 2, why hasnt the AGs office contacted me regarding Bruno, my mothers cousin, taking bribes for the SUNY Foundation to dissuade them from helping my son & me, which was their original intention? Who persuaded DSS to whisk me out of NY before I was to meet with the head of the Organized Crime Task Force? Why did NY government allow me, your most important witness, to be violently tortured non-stop 24/7 for more than 5 years in a building directly across from the Capitol? And why did NY Government allow me to be violently thrown out on the street disabled & made homeless through an entirely false eviction? Who gets evicted for paying their rent, being owed money & being violently tortured & tag-teamed with Spitzer? Was this some deranged Patriot Act terrorism to protect malignant & cowardly officials involved in 911? Why did you allow hospitals to deny me medical care or billions in bribes to be thrown around? You dont get your security buffer anymore, Albany. I hope youll know what I mean. I am truly horrified by the abject depravity. I have an impeccable background and am extremely well-educated having more than 12 years in formal education working professionally, yet subjected to this countrys worst human & civil rights violations enduring crimes perpetrated by your very own documented, convicted & certified offenders & then subjected to even more violent homicidal offenders released to murder military, DOD, emergency responder & all important National Security witnesses. This is beyond surreal, its an abject dereliction of duty & obligation to protect the people of the State. And why is only my mothers cousin, Republican State Senator Joe Bruno subjected to Court Proceedings, while Democrats deeply involved in 911 are scott free? Im sure youll see what I mean.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 09:07:33 +0000

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