Religion - a spoof on humanity .. Sick and tired of my job and - TopicsExpress


Religion - a spoof on humanity .. Sick and tired of my job and relationship issues, I was cornered and frustrated. Then I saw a pic on the internet of a small girl carrying AK47 rifle to protect her family at Gaza border. I forgot all my problems coz I couldnt find something more disturbing in my life than what I saw next. One cannot be a good religious follower without being a good human. At the end of the day its one being for another independent of caste, creed or religion. Hence we understand that religion is not of utmost importance. But still we fail daily and prioritize religious dogma above human rationale. Looking at the world from an atheists eye, we can understand our faults. Although an atheist doest believe in God but at least we cannot confirm that he will turn a blind eye on humanity. Atheism is a faith in itself and no religious group can attack its sentiments or contest on the basis of religious discrimination against an atheist. One cannot criminalize an atheist on the basis of any religion as he belongs to none. Hence he has a free will to look at the world without any preconceived notions. Religion is an abstract idea that has shaped our past and is deciding our future. Our ancestors invented the term and set the rules as per their way of life. Now years later we have got used to whatever has been followed over centuries, hence, feel its wrong to question the texts. What awfully wrong can happen if we question the texts? Practically, there wont be any natural calamity if we break any of the rules. But what can happen is that the ardent supporters of the faith will point out, that we have sinned against them. Its the sentiments we have hurt. Its the belief system that has been questioned. Its the traditional ideology that has been questioned. How dare we ? If a communal war gets triggered due to our actions, thats as worse as a natural hazard. When there are floods or an earthquake, we help each other but in the midst of communal riot we burn down houses. For egs. if I wore shoes inside a temple, deep inside my heart I am not ashamed as I dont care about the Hindu religion. But as an individual I will hurt the sentiments of Hindus. If I offer my Muslim friend pork without informing him I am hurting his sentiments , his faith and his way of living. Which is wrong and that is it. It is this thought around which Religion should revolve, (NOTE : I am saying it should but it actually doesnt ). One need not belong to a particular community to understand this much. An atheist understands this better than a core Hindu or Muslim. When we as humans fail to understand this, it leads to grievances. I am Hindu by birth but practically I am an Agnostic Theist. I dont care whats written in the Geeta, Quran or Bible. My moral science books are enough to teach me right from wrong. Movies like Oh My God and PK will keep on coming and Supreme Court can ban as many as they want. But nothing will change unless new ideologies take shape. I wish for the day when organizations dont ask for religion or caste details while submitting a form. I dream of a day when words like inter-caste or inter-religion would no more exist. I believe there would be a day when we will be human first. SOCH BADLO ... DUNIYA BADLEGA .... .. .. .. https://69kinky.wordpress/2014/12/25/religion-a-spoof-on-humanity
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 08:36:27 +0000

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