Religion Today : My Family Show According to Great God Om - TopicsExpress


Religion Today : My Family Show According to Great God Om recalling his early ‘small god’ years living on the edge of the desert lands, where early morning and evening, the shades of amber and orange give the world a break from the searing bright heat of the day, “Gods need people as much as people need gods.” The viscous vicious cycle is simple: without your (as in humans) belief hesheit cannot be a god and conversely, if hesheit isn’t considered a god, humans won’t believe. Something, usually simple and innocuous, needs to happen at just the right moment to just the right person to induce that faith … with a wink and smile and cheerful voice Great God Om tells how he enticed a lamb to entangle itself in the briar. Then Om set about to deftly and mysteriously alert the desperate, panicking shepherd where to find the lamb. As the overjoyed shepherd fell to his knees and gave thanks, Om entered the lad’s mind and announced, “Om is how you shalt remember me.” And so it came to pass the foundation of faith-in-Om was under construction. The rescued lamb naturally became known as the ‘lamb of god’. Thanks be to Thee Oh Book of Small Gods written by Terry P, his hand guided by, I hope, Good Gods. In case Om gets too big for his booties here is George Carlin. youtube/watch?v=8r-e2NDSTuE
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 00:13:39 +0000

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