Religion Vs. The Bible by @Judas Maccabee When Im out in the - TopicsExpress


Religion Vs. The Bible by @Judas Maccabee When Im out in the Street Teaching and when I say something thats in the Holy Bible and the person has Never heard of it because they have been Brainwashed with Philosophy, Tradition aka Religion. Eventually the question Comes up...They ask me.... So What Religion are you? When I say None it shocks them because I believe Christ is My savior Just as they they get confused... I sometimes ask them...Well What Religion are we Commanded to Be? What Religion was The Most High? What Religion is the Scriptures? There is No Religion in the Scriptures and Soon you will Fully understand that the Bible is Not a Religious Book. First Lets look at 1 Corinthians 1:10 (King James Version) 1Co 1:10 Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of OUR Lord Jesus Christ, that ye ALL SPEAK THE SAME THING, and that there be NO DIVISIONS among you; but that ye be perfectly JOINED TOGETHER in the same mind and in the same judgment. So The question is Why do we have SO MANY DENOMINATIONS? If we are instructed to Be Perfectly Joined Together. There be No Denominations..Oops I mean No Divisions Among you.... Amos 3:3 Can two walk together, except they be agreed? So why is it that The Christians, Catholics, Baptist, AME, Pentecostal, Seventh Day Adventist, Jehovahs Witness, Catholics...Etc. Why cant they All come Together? Why cant they come to an Agreement? If their ALL READING from the Same Book? IF They say they Believe in the Same Bible? Why is their Different Sides of the Story if The Scriptures say in 2 Peter 1:20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. Also If all these Religions Believe in Christ who is The Savior Why do they Follow Religion who was Based upon The Tradition and Philosophy of Another Man? Religions who Was Made After Christ and Religions that The Followers of Christ in the Bible Did Not Follow. Christianity was Established 325 A.D Baptist Religion was Established 1907 AME Religion Established 1816 Seventh Day Adventist Established 1863 Jehovah Witness Religion Established 1879 Pentecostal Religion was Established 1900 All these Denominations Stem from the Catholic Church. Lets look at a few of these Facebook Catholic=Universal The Roman Catholic Church is the Mother of All these Religions Today and all these Religions I Named...Their Mother is the Catholic Church and the Christian, Baptist and all these Are her Children. Christian= Nick name that was first given to the Followers of Christ by White Romans in the City of Antioch (acts 11:26). This was Not Christianity Religion. That Religion wasnt Established at this time. Christianity was Established 325 A.D This is waaay after The Time of Christ and his Disciples. At the Time that this Christianity Religion was Established Pagan Customs was Pushed in on this Religion and you Follow them Today. Dont you Celebrate Christmas? Easter? Dont you Keep the Pagan Holidays that No one in the Bible Kept? Yes you do...Do you Go to Church on Sunday? in the Honor of the Sun that the Pagans Worshiped on? Yes..Yes you do. So believe it or not you still Follow Pagan Customs thats against Christ...But you say you Follow and serve him? No you do not. If you say you do..Then Explain to me What is the FEAST OF DEDICATION...That Christ went to in (John 10:22-23). Give me the Chapter and verses that explain about this Feast of Dedication. You Cant because you Follow someone else Tradition..You dont Follow Christ and walked as he walked (1 John 2:6) Baptist= that was ONLY a Title that was given to the Prophet in the New Testament known as John who Baptized Christ our lord and savior. (Matthew 3:1, Matthew 11:11-12, Matthew 14:2, Mark 8:28, Luke 7:33. John the Baptist Never Taught a Religion called Baptist Nor did he start a Church called Baptist Church Christ Never Commanded him to start his own Church called a Baptist Religion. Period This Religion didnt start until the 1900s well after he was Born so who in the Bible Followed this Religion? NO ONE You are Following behind a Man Made Tradition..Not our Lord Christ. Baptist was Never a Religion. You got the Pentecostal Church. Pentecost means 50th Day. A feast day we are commanded to keep 50 days after passover which Christians call the Last Supper when thats not even in the bible the words last supper...but The Pentecostal Religion is based off Acts 2:1. How you turn a feast day that we are Commanded to Eat on....into a Religion? Thats Like me Starting a Religion called Thanksgiving Christian Church It makes No sense. So the Question is What Denomination was the Followers of Christ in the Bible? Neither on that you Follow Today. Some May ask...Wasnt Christ Jewish? Th e answer is NO...He wasnt Jewish Either. He did Not Practice a Religion called Judaism. You May say well Wasnt he called a Jew? The answer is YES he Was called a Jew. Because he was a Jew. There is a difference between Being a Jew and Being Jewish. Let me Further Explain. Jew=is a Nick Name, It is a Short Term name for the word Judah (Jew-dah). Jew is Short for Judah, Just like Dan is Short for Daniel. Just like Mike is Short for Michael. Just like Chris is Short for Christopher and so on. Jew was Not a Religion in the Time of the Scriptures Like Liars have Told you...Lets Go A little Deeper. If Jesus was a Jew as the Scriptures Tells us (John 4:9, Matthew 2:2, Matthew 27:29, Matthew 27:37) Then who is this Judah Person? Judah=Praised the Lord, Judah is the 4th son of Jacob..whos Name was Changed to Israel. Genesis 29:35 says And she (Leah) conceived again, and bare a Son: and she said, Now will I PRAISED LORD: therefore she CALLED HIS NAME.... Judah; and left bearing. Everyone who is a Physical Descendant of Judah is called Jew for Short (Slang Term). Bloodline Goes From Abraham to Isaac to Jacob who Name was Changed to Israel. Jacob Name was Changed at (Genesis 32:27-28, Genesis 35:10) Jacob aka Israel had Children by Leah, Rachel, Bilhah, Zilpah. (Genesis 35:22-26) Now Lets Get back to Christ who was a Jew but Not JEWISH. Ok Hebrews 7:14 For it is evident (Known Fact).... that our Lord sprang...(Descendant) OUT OF JUDA;... So If Christ was a Physical Descendant of Judah...It now Make sense why He was Called a Jew. Remember Christ say Salvation was Of (From) The Jews (John 4:22). He didnt say Salvation was of the Catholics or the Christians. Remember it was the Jews who was Given the Oracles of God (Romans 3:1-2) What did the Jews Look like? Are they some WHITE BOYS like we see on TV Today?? NO. Jeremiah 14:2 says JUDAH mourneth, and the gates thereof languish; THEY ARE BLACK...... unto (As) THE GROUND; and the cry of Jerusalem is gone up. Notice the Tribe of Judah or Jews are Black as the Ground Why are they Compared to the Ground? Lets Go alll the way back to Genesis 2:7 it says Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed MAN (Adam) of the Dust of THE GROUND, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. So what Color is the Dirt in the Ground? DARK. So Clearly we see the Jews or Tribe of Judah was a Dark Skin Tribe of People. Wasnt Jesus Describe as Being Dark as well? Lets See. Revelation 1:15 Rev 1:15 And his FEET Like unto Fine BRASS (Brown) as IF...THEY BURNED....IN A FURNACE. Now if you take something like a Penny and Burn it in a Furnace that Penny is going to Turn Really Dark. If you burn anything in a Furnace it will be Dark. Lets Get some More. Daniel 10:6 says...HIS BODY was like the Beryl, and his face as the appearance of lightning, and his eyes as lamps of fire, and his ARMS and His FEET...LIKE IN COLOR.....To POLISHED BRASS (Brown) and the voice of his words like the voice of a multitude. Notice it says his Arms and Feet was like in Color to Polished... When you look up Polished in the Strongs Concordance says.. BURNISHED So if you burn Brass it will Turn REALLY DARK. So Clearly He was a Dark Skinned Man. So who are these People in Israel who are Claiming to be the Descendants of The Tribe of Judah who are calling themselves Jewish? When Clearly in the Bible they was a Dark Skin Nation of People? Read (Revelation 2:9, Revelation 3:9) These are Not the People of the Bible. But thats another Subject. Lets Look at the New Testament James 1:1 Lets see who that was Written To... James 1:1 says James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, TO THE TWELVE TRIBES...WHICH ARE SCATTERED ABROAD, Greeting We know for a Fact that the 12 Tribes are Referring to the Children of Israel. Just like we know in Heaven it will be 12 Gates with the Names of the Twelve Tribes of the Children of Israel (Revelation 21:12) So The question is...Where are the 12 Tribes Located Today? Since we see in James 1:1 it say they are SCATTERED?...Why are they Scattered? Deuteronomy 28:25, Deuteronomy 28:64) Is your answered they was Scattered because they Broke the Covenant and Curses was Poured out upon them. Daniel who was From the Tribe of Judah (Daniel 2:24-25)...Said Chapter 9 verse 11 Dan 9:11 Yea, all Israel have transgressed (Broke) thy law, even by departing, that they might not obey thy voice; therefore THE CURSE is poured UPON US, and the oath that is written in the law of Moses the servant of God, because we have sinned against him. So when You Read Deuteronomy 28:16-68 You read about the Curses that was placed upon a People...12 Tribes. According to Deuteronomy 28:46 the Seed (Descendants of Israel) is STILL Under the Same Curses Today. So the Question is...Who are these People? Where are the 12 Tribes Today?? WHEN YOU FIND OUT THIS ANSWER...THEN YOU WILL KNOW...WHY NO RELIGION ON THE EARTH...WILL COME FORWARD AND ADMIT THIS...IF THEY DID....THEY WILL BE OUT OF BUSINESS...YES...RELIGION IS A BUSINESS....SMH DO YOU WANNA KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT THE JEWS IN THE BIBLE? WHO THEY ARE..WHAT THEY LOOKED LIKE? WHERE ARE THEY TODAY? Go
Posted on: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 02:34:33 +0000

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