Religion and Science Controversy 90 Percent Settled… The - TopicsExpress


Religion and Science Controversy 90 Percent Settled… The ancient controversy between religion and science regarding the origin of the human race is essentially settled, and there is only about a 10 percent of the controversy that remains. We will explore the nature of the 10 percent that remains, but the essential dichotomy between views are reconciled by way of current science... All of us are familiar with the Adam and Even in the Garden of Eden story… Whether you are a believer or not, you are familiar with the biblical story that includes the sibling rivalry of Cain & Able, and the birth of the human family. Current scientific evidence confirms this ancient story, and resources like National Geographic TV documentary “In Search of Eve” has archeological evidence and traced the migration patterns that have over millennia that positioned human beings in virtually every corner of the earth. The evidence confirms that every human being on the face of the earth today in the 21st century come from a single origin, vis-à-vis, a woman in the region of East Africa. The public has been accordingly informed regarding these findings on public television among other special event airing therefore, the subject of race is often discussed during informal conversations. But the profundity of these scientific findings has not been translated into the perennial “race” question, or the popular “race” conversation, etc., into the public discourse. Consequently, a superfluous circular conversation is a popular exercise which asserts that all “races” are equal, so forth and so on. The nature of this public conversation on “race” by way of media, news articles, educators, politicians (elected & unelected) amounts to an obfuscation of the truth and facts about “race.”Public conversations, institutions and professional organizations and everyone else continues to represent that human beings are comprised of different “races.” Statements such as, there is no difference between the “races” and we don’t discriminate based on “race” are popular refrains articulated in various quarters. Moreover, we know educational institutions, employment opportunities and scenarios, housing, politics, healthcare, etc, etc, etc, are all organized and operated based on the “race” dynamic. But we also know that current science affirms that there is only one race of human beings and we all can trace our ancestry to the same woman, in East Africa. Therefore, any credible conversation about “race” going forward must discuss “race” in the context of current science and debunk the traditional exposition…. ACCORDINGLY, RACE IS A SOCIAL CONTRUCT CONTRIVED TO ACHIEVE SUBJECTIVE OUTCOMES. MODERN SCIENCE HAS AFFIRMED AND CONFIRMED THAT THERE IN ONLY ONE RACE OF HUMAN BEINGS. THEREFORE, THE WORLD IS ULTIMATELY CONFRONTED WITH A FUNDAMENTAL CONTRADICTION. THE FUNDAMENTAL CONTRADICTION IS BASED ON THE FACT THAT THE WORLD HAS BEEN GENERALLY ORGANIZED AND STRATIFIED AROUND THE CONCEPT OF MULTIPLE RACES WHICH HAS BEEN SCIENTIFICALLY DISCREDITED… Science in the 1600s, the “age of enlightenment” advanced the idea of multiple races based on a hierarchal distinction that positioned the “black” race at the bottom and the white race at the top, with yellow, red and brown people in relative scenarios. The scholarship that characterized the “age of enlightenment” codified the race paradigm and etched it in stone, as definitive evidence that there are multiple races of human beings. IN THIS INTELLECTUAL FRAMEWORK, THE NEGRO WAS BORN…. A VULNERABLE BEAST OF BURDEN…. This is the general overview regarding the black experience in Africa and the “new world” beginning in the 1500s, and the race based paradigm is the conventional narrative that perpetuates the historical race myth… But the historical myth began to fracture in the 1960s as the myth of the NEGRO RACE evaporated during the black political consciousness movement. ALTHOUGH THE NEGRO IS DEAD AS A RACE, THE RACE BASED PARADIGM PERSISTS BY WAY OF SOPHISTICATED AND SUBLIME SCENARIOS, THAT HAVE REINFORCED CENTURIES OLD STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONAL SENSIBILITIES. Ultimately, we will rely on the fidelity of current science and observe that world institutions and sensibilities are oriented toward the race paradigm. In this way we can understand what race is. And what race is not… WE MIGHT NOT BE ABLE TO ELIMINATE THE RACE MOTIF, BUT WE CAN PUT IT IN THE PROPER PERSPECTIVE. ALTHOUGH THE RACE EQUATION HAS A HEADSTART OF CENTURIES, WE CAN ENSURE THAT IT WILL AMOUNT TO … NO-THING. The race social construct is pervasive and ubiquitous because it permeates virtually all echelons of our modern society. We human beings have totally absorbed and assimilated the race social contract to the extent that it has crystallized into our consciousness. Therefore we inadvertently think in racial terms, and conventional wisdom, which only reinforces the deception… THAT’S RIGHT, WE HAVE BEEN DECEIVED... The scope of the deception is difficult to put your hands around, but time is longer than twine therefore, competing narratives will emerge that will help to broaden the various historical accounts of human and world events as formulated and advanced by the military victors through history. Consequently, history such as it is… Amount to an account of HIS-STORY, LITERALLY. But because time is longer than twine, it is only a matter of time before other historical narratives emerge that compliment popular historical accounts, adding to them in the context of generating a holistic account of human events. Saturday I watched a CNN news program… The news report stated that a police department was using the criminal mug shots of black men for target practice, and as a result the police department was accused of racism because of that act. The police department responded to the allegation of racism by denying it, and making the point that they also use the mug shots of other “races” therefore theirs was not an act of racism, because they use all “races.” The news announcer went on to editorialize with her colleague asserting that the act of using the mug shots of blacks may be controversial but, it can’t be racism because blacks are not the only race whose picture they use. DO YOU SEE WHAT IS GOING ON HERE??? THEY ARE PERPETUATING THIS RACE HISTORICAL MYTH IN A VERY CASUAL AND MATTER OF FACT WAY… and too many engage this circular conversation on race… DON’T THEY HAVE ACCESS TO THE LATEST SCIENTIFIC NEWS… ALL OF WE IS ONE… The multiple race myth will continue to be asserted because virtually all of the systems and institutions are structured and organized, based on the multiple race paradigm. These systems won’t be changed because they are proven to be insufficient or in error. Although current science has debunked and discredited the multiple race idea, with definitive evidence, we would be delusional to expect that substantive change will occur, going forward. The “race” conversation and the “race” question will remain a hot button and political wedge issue, but the public conversation will also continue to be circular with no resolution. But there are people like yours truly, who will present the disposition of current science and inject the empirical perspective into the public discussion. I am under no delusions about the prospect of corrective action being undertaken by the relevant parties. And apart from raising the findings of current science during relevant forums, everyone else would be well advised not to overestimate any prospect of corrective action by relevant authorities in general. POPULAR AMERICAN HISTORY WILL NOT BE REWRITTEN… THE CURRICULUM IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS WILL NOT BE OVERHAULED GOING FORWARD. IT IS, WHAT IT IS… MY OVERALL POINT IS THAT WE NEED TO KNOW WHAT RACE IS, AND WHAT RACE IS NOT… AND BE ABLE TO REFERENCE THE PROOF But my larger point is that we need to rethink what we think… We need to think based on current and relevant information… We can become what we think. And we are currently, what we think… As a practical matter the race baggage that we carry is most severe, burdensome, and insidious because it permeates most things and invisible, subliminal and profound scenario are in place that automatically maintain the status quo. TO BE CONTINUED… There are no racial minorities in the world!!! This morning I received a link from a colleague that is relevant to the piece… l.facebook/l/YAQGUMCqNAQGryUBF0CwqsuBUOUJpmax8-GwWxzpjLOWkJQ/
Posted on: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 18:55:54 +0000

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