Religion is an interesting thing in the psychology of man. It can - TopicsExpress


Religion is an interesting thing in the psychology of man. It can either destroy him or make him a better person in the society. Given one thing, say God, I do not think it would be illogical for anyone to state that there can only be one truth in the same sense about him. According to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, truth is defined as the state or quality of being true where true is defined as that which is in accordance with fact or reality. Unless different religions have different realities, in the actual sense of the universally accepted reality, then it is either that these religions have been misapplied or they are simply false. As a christian who was born into a specific belief system and geographically predisposed to christian conversion, I do not think I have an absolute place of standing about whether or not any given religion is true or false. However, I can testify about my experience with the Judeo-Christian God. Comparatively, another religious person of a different religion can equally testify of his conviction about his God. He has believed in his God and religious teachings and in so doing experienced him(God) in many ways to the extent of being fully convinced of the actuality, truthfulness and reality of his God, of course as far as his perceptions are concerned. Historically and presently, all these religions (including Judaism - precursor and foundation of the New Testament Christianity) have been seen to commit atrocities against innocent men, women and children. Can God possibly manifest himself in different religions whether at the same or different times? In view of the above, and given the many religions in the world, I think it would be irrational for religious groups to engage in any physical or verbal fights on the bases of religion. However, I would encourage an intellectual discourse on the rationality and objective morality as manifested in the behavior and acts of these groups.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 16:47:44 +0000

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