Religions, just like animals, are competitive entities as well. - TopicsExpress


Religions, just like animals, are competitive entities as well. The fact that some religions are still extant today (monotheisms) and the others have gone extinct means even religions themselves obey natural principles of competitive selection as well, just like any other living things. Religions that cease to be relevant will lose believers and go extinct while those that adapt to changing circumstances, like adaptable species, will survive. Just like animals compete with other animals for resources, religions compete with other religions for believers and must do so in order to remain relevant and survive. So that religions undergo an evolutionary process is not all that surprising. And just like the fossil record, the historical record of religions can show this process to us as well. But what does this all mean? For one, religions in themselves are not divine or sacred in the sense that they do not adhere to the Natural principles of our world but go beyond it. This is not the case since competition between religions can ultimately decided whether or not one religion triumps over the other or is utterly annihilated from Living imagination. That religions change, evolve and undergo some type of process that either strengthens it or renders it extinct means, just like biology, it follows natural laws as well. However, what all religions point to and seek to grasp remains sacred and untouched. The esoteric principles that they proclaim remain beyond the natural, still mysterious and unpenetrable by Reason alone. But ultimately, these principles go beyond the religious as well even as they inscribed by the religions.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 21:12:41 +0000

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