Religions mostly get too big and too far removed from realty and - TopicsExpress


Religions mostly get too big and too far removed from realty and the commons of Nature. All religions are just good, bad, and terrible translations of Nature, really, and too often become about the dogma of protecting and defending (and forcing) the correct/proper beliefs and worldviews on others. and religions tend to get run by funddemented folks more interested in power, than love your neighbor. Money and power and greedy grasping.... I used to like to go and sit with the Spirit Rock Community, (which is a good community) and I much prefered it when it was a small and funky, either in a church, or in the trailers, and, as far as I am concerened, the whole edifice became a shakedown for money, money, and more money, to build beautiful and wonderful buildings, which are great for all the folks with money, and the therapists which go there, and, it sure is not serving the poor or anyone not chasing the money/work/driving in circles game.......... Shakedown Street for ever grander edifices used by those entitled by income.......... And, our world seems to be about ownership and dollar values, and exchanging out lives/time/creativity for such, while we drive n fly around to events and buy stuff....... And, meanwhile, we have raped the commons which support all life, leaving the remains of Fracking, Fukushima, Tarsands, Endless Wars, Gulf spill, etc, etc, etc, and WE just drive on buy and continue to consume? WHY??????? https://youtube/watch?v=yRhq-yO1KN8&feature=kp
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 15:43:23 +0000

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