Religious group calls on Iraqis to support rebels by MEM on - TopicsExpress


Religious group calls on Iraqis to support rebels by MEM on 08-07-2014 BRussells Tribunal The AMSI chairperson stressed that the oppression and injustice suffered by Iraqis for more than ten years since the American occupation and during the successive governments, particularly Prime Minister Nouri Al-Malikis government, have exceeded all limits. The chairperson of the Association of Muslim Scholars in Iraq (AMSI), an influential group of Sunni religious leaders, has called upon Iraqis to work by all means possible to end the current corruption of the political process, which has been fuelling all the problems and crises experienced by Iraq since its brutal occupation in 2003. The groups chairperson Harith Sulayman Al-Dhari stressed, in an open letter to the Iraqi people on the 94th anniversary of the 1920 revolution, the need to unite the efforts of all Iraqis in order to correct the intolerable situation in Iraq after politicians have escalated their corruption, crimes and disregard for the blood and dignity of the Iraqi people. Dhari pointed out that the law guarantees the right of the people to refuse injustice by any government. All Iraqis who truly care about their religion, homeland and dignity must support the rebels who revolted to lift injustice for all the oppressed in Iraq and to restore their legitimate rights that were stolen, and to stand by them and not let them down or question their intentions, quotes Dhari as saying. He renewed his assertion that the current struggle is bladalarb.blogspot/2014/07/religious-group-calls-on-iraqis-to.html
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 22:06:18 +0000

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