Religious terror claims more lives in Peshawar. Cry Pakistan - TopicsExpress


Religious terror claims more lives in Peshawar. Cry Pakistan Lament Pakistan Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan has very proudly claimed responsibility for the blood bath in a high school in Peshawar. These champions of Islam the proponents of the Islamic system of governance or the establishment of the Khilafat-i-Islami in Pakistan are now targeting innocent school children for the promotion of their religious political and social agenda. 140 innocent lives sacrificed on the altar of religion, another atrocity another blood soaked criminal drama by the champions of Islam. Religious leaders and the supporters of these blood thirsty animals in the media, politics and civil society will now spin some conspiracy theories to tell us that this is the doing of RAW, CIA or Mossad. Some politicians and stalwarts of our security establishment are very fond of telling us that we are fighting America’s war. People like Mr. Hamid Gul, Ansar Abbasi, Auria Maqbool Jan, Hafiz Saeed and the red capped fanatic Zaid Hamid never tire of spinning their stories of conspiracies. These innocent young students were all Pakistanis they were butchered by our own home grown religious monsters. American children are not being targeted our children are dying at the hands of these blood thirsty Islamic fanatics so whose war is it? Mr. Taliban Khan Niazi and the proponents of Naya Pakistan are very busy in their politics of agitation and dharna, their only aim in life is to topple the Nawaz Govt. and take control of the state. The provincial Govt. of KPK has no time to provide safety of life and limb to the people who elected them to office. Imran khan calls the Taliban Islamic warriors and his children. He has very categorically opposed any action in North Waziristan. He should now contact his heroes and ask them why they slaughtered these young innocent children? Why did they have to die? What was their sin to deserve such a horrific end? 140 young lives extinguished 140 families left to grieve and agonize over the loss of their beloved kids. The champions of Islam attacked the Sri Lankan cricket team in Lahore and closed Pakistan to all cricket matches. They attacked mountaineers in the Northern Areas and Pakistan was closed for tourism. They attacked the GHQ, Mehran base, Naval dockyard and by now they have killed over 55000 Pakistani by suicide blasts so whose war is it? Our armed forces have suffered over 8000 casualties and our top religious leaders have the audacity to call the chief of the TTP a Shaheed and the supreme sacrifice of our brave boys in uniform something else. The Chairman of the Council of Islamic Ideology says that child marriage is permitted in Islam and is completely silent about the bloody atrocities committed by the champions of Islam. Common people of Pakistan ordinary citizens can only express their collective outrage and horror at the latest atrocity of the religious monsters. We can only offer sympathies and support to the grieving families and parents of these latest victims of our religious monsters but if Pakistan has to be saved we have to exterminate not only the religious fanatics but also their supporters in all walks of life. All the supporters, sympathizers, helpers and abettors of these wild bloodthirsty beasts will have to be eliminated for the survival of our homeland. Islamic lashkars and the militant sipahs have mushroomed all over the country. Most of the Deeni Madaris are the breeding and training grounds of terrorism and religious fanaticism. This is a defining moment for this nation. Do we want Islamic fanaticism and terror or do we need a modern progressive and peaceful Pakistan?
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 09:39:56 +0000

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